Niche in spanish


pronunciation: nitʃoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

niche1 = nicho, lugar específico. 

Example: Under the author each work has a particular niche where all the editions translations, and related works are listed together.


» carve + niche = hacerse sitio.

Example: Kodak optical disk and microfilm technologies are carving niches in specific applications.

» fill + a niche = ocupar una posición.

Example: CD-ROM data bases have an important niche to fill in the legal information business, and academic law libraries have a major role to play in educating potential users.

» occupy + a niche = ocupar una posición.

Example: Dissertations occupy a special niche in the geoscience literature.

» secure + a niche = conseguir ocupar un lugar específico.

Example: School librarianship in Britain has failed to secure a niche from which to advance its cause.

niche2 = área de aplicación comercial, área de especialización, área específica, mercado. 

Example: This article describes the development and products of the company Farallon Computing which found a niche and expanded it to include a number of applications and products that people need.


» market niche = lugar en el mercado de venta. [Tipo de negocio]

Example: Market pressures are forcing each on-line service to define its corporate image and market niche.

niche3 = grupo específico. 

Example: Each cluster or niche of interests in the end user field will have specific individual needs and innovations will bend information technology to meet them.


» niche audience = público específico.

Example: By targeting a niche audience you'll have a much better chance of making some significant sales than if you try and reach out to anyone and everyone.

niche4 = especializado en un mercado concreto. 

Example: Sales figures for individual titles compare well with other niche media products.


» niche database = base de datos dirigida a un mercado específico.

Example: This article describes the general area of real estate information, which as with so many business topics can be found in general business data bases, specialised related data bases, full text newspaper data bases and in niche data bases.

» niche market = mercado específico.

Example: On-line retrieval in text and bibliographic information is becoming more and more a niche market linked to libraries.

» niche-specific = específico, hecho para una situación específica.

Example: The history and analysis of CCML presented here is quite subjective and specific to BRS, but does reflect the issues associated with producing a niche-specific database.

Niche synonyms

corner in spanish: esquina, pronunciation: kɔrnɜr part of speech: noun recess in spanish: recreo, pronunciation: rɪses part of speech: noun recession in spanish: recesión, pronunciation: rɪseʃən part of speech: noun
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