Nice in spanish


pronunciation: boʊnitoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

nice [nicer -comp., nicest -sup.] = bonito, agradable, rico, bueno, simpático, amable. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: One time he showed me a photograph in an art book of a woman's bare breasts and said 'Nice tits, uh?'.


» be nice to = ser amable con, ser simpático con, ser agradable con.

Example: We've all heard the saying 'Be nice to people on the way up because you may need them on the way down'.

» be nice to have + Nombre + on board = ser estupendo poder contar con + Nombre.

Example: He is so humble and such a sport -- it's really nice to have him on board.

» feel + nice = sentirse bien.

Example: The only way to live in peace here is to be on her good side and pray she is feeling nice.

» have + a nice time = divertirse, pasárselo bien, pasárselo fabuloso, gozar.

Example: All she does is swan about, look at herself in the mirror and primp, and go to parties, smile and have a nice time.

» look + nice = tener buen aspecto, tener buena cara, tener buena pinta.

Example: Even though the shoes looked nice and felt comfortable initially, at the end I had to discard them because of the blisters that resulted from them being too narrow.

» nice and easy = agradable y fácil, bonito y fácil.

Example: Here a nice and easy seafood dish that melts in your mouth.

» nice and easy = con cuidado, con calma, despacito y buena letra, sin prisas, sin apresurarse, despacio, prudente, lentamente.

Example: The key to make a habit of daily excersise is to only do 20 minutes in the beginning and do it nice and easy.

» take it + nice and easy = tomárselo con calma.

Example: Take it nice and easy -- don't go hell for leather as soon as you cross the start line.

Nice synonyms

good in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: gʊd part of speech: adjective decent in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: disənt part of speech: adjective precise in spanish: preciso, pronunciation: prɪsaɪs part of speech: adjective fastidious in spanish: fastidioso, pronunciation: fæstɪdiəs part of speech: adjective gracious in spanish: Cortés, pronunciation: greɪʃəs part of speech: adjective pleasant in spanish: agradable, pronunciation: plezənt part of speech: adjective courteous in spanish: cortés, pronunciation: kɜrtiəs part of speech: adjective dainty in spanish: delicado, pronunciation: deɪnti part of speech: adjective polite in spanish: Cortés, pronunciation: pəlaɪt part of speech: adjective discriminate in spanish: discriminar, pronunciation: dɪskrɪməneɪt part of speech: verb prissy in spanish: remilgado, pronunciation: prɪsi part of speech: adjective squeamish in spanish: delicado, pronunciation: skwimɪʃ part of speech: adjective respectable in spanish: respetable, pronunciation: rɪspektəbəl part of speech: adjective skillful in spanish: hábil, pronunciation: skɪlfəl part of speech: adjective discriminating in spanish: discriminante, pronunciation: dɪskrɪməneɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective overnice in spanish: excesivamente, pronunciation: oʊvɜrnaɪs part of speech: adjective

Nice antonyms

awful pronunciation: ɑfəl part of speech: adjective nasty pronunciation: næsti part of speech: adjective
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