Nibble in spanish


pronunciation: pikɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

nibble1 = mordisco. 

Example: Once you are able to tolerate more than fluid, start with a few nibbles of food, wait for a few minutes, then take a few more nibbles.


» take + a nibble = dar un mordisco.

Example: Once you are able to tolerate more than fluid, start with a few nibbles of food, wait for a few minutes, then take a few more nibbles.

nibble2 = aperitivo, canapé, entremés, piscolabis, tapa, refrigerio. 

Example: What better way to pass the time than with a couple of glasses of your favourite red and a few nibbles courtesy of the airline.

nibble3 = mordisquear. 

Example: The he turned pale, nibbled his lips, and she could see tears in his eyes.


» nibble at = usar superficialmente.

Example: Even the modern great library is not generally consulted; it is nibbled at by a few.

Nibble synonyms

piece in spanish: trozo, pronunciation: pis part of speech: noun pick in spanish: recoger, pronunciation: pɪk part of speech: verb munch in spanish: mascar, pronunciation: mʌntʃ part of speech: noun, verb nybble in spanish: nybble, pronunciation: nɪbəl part of speech: noun

Nibble antonyms

stuff pronunciation: stʌf part of speech: noun gorge pronunciation: gɔrdʒ part of speech: noun binge pronunciation: bɪndʒ part of speech: noun glut pronunciation: glʌt part of speech: noun satiate pronunciation: seɪʃieɪt part of speech: verb overeat pronunciation: oʊvɜrit part of speech: verb engorge pronunciation: ɪŋgɔrdʒ part of speech: verb overindulge pronunciation: oʊvɜrɪndəldʒ part of speech: verb englut pronunciation: ɪŋglət part of speech: verb gormandize pronunciation: gɔrməndaɪz part of speech: verb ingurgitate pronunciation: ɪŋgɜrdʒɪteɪt part of speech: verb gormandise pronunciation: gɔrmændaɪz part of speech: verb pig out pronunciation: pɪgaʊt part of speech: verb gourmandize pronunciation: gʊrməndaɪz part of speech: verb overgorge pronunciation: oʊvɜrgɔrdʒ part of speech: verb scarf out pronunciation: skɑrfaʊt part of speech: verb
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