Newsletter in spanish

Hoja informativa

pronunciation: oʊxɑinfoʊɹ̩mɑtibɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

newsletter = boletín de noticias, circular, boletín informativo, hoja informativa. [Publicación seriada, normalmente distribuido regularmente, con información de interés para los miembros de una profesión o grupo]

Example: A newsletter is a serial publication consisting of one or a few printed sheets containing news and/or information of interest to a special group.


» electronic newsletter = boletín informativo electrónico.

Example: Internet users may also derive articles and other information from electronic journals and newsletters and from the many electronic bulletin boards (EEB) and discussion lists.

» e-newsletter = boletín electrónico.

Example: Starting March 2008, we changed our date-stamp on the e-newsletter to indicate the month (rather than the exact date) of release.

Newsletter synonyms

newssheet in spanish: hoja de noticias, pronunciation: nuʃit part of speech: noun
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