Newborn in spanish

Recién nacido

pronunciation: reθienɑθidoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

newborn = neonato, recién nacido. 

Example: In 1997 the library set up a special reading programme for newborns and parents.


» colicky newborn = recién nacido con cólicos, recién nacido que padece de cólicos.

Example: Parents who find themselves in the unenviable position of being home with a colicky newborn can rest assured that there is a cure.

» newborn baby = recién nacido.

Example: A newborn baby has fallen through the toilet on a moving train after being prematurely born.

» newborn health = salud neonatal.

Example: Newborn health and survival are closely linked to the health of the mother.

» newborn infant = recién nacido.

Example: This article describes pilot projects for home monitoring of newborn infants endangered by sudden infant death (SID).

Newborn synonyms

new in spanish: nuevo, pronunciation: nu part of speech: adjective young in spanish: joven, pronunciation: jʌŋ part of speech: adjective immature in spanish: inmaduro, pronunciation: ɪmətjʊr part of speech: adjective neonate in spanish: neonato, pronunciation: niəneɪt part of speech: noun new-sprung in spanish: nuevo-surgido, pronunciation: nusprʌŋ newly arisen in spanish: recién surgido, pronunciation: nuliɜrɪzən part of speech: adjective
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