Never in spanish


pronunciation: nunkɑ part of speech: adverb
In gestures

never = nunca, jamás. 

Example: Plans were made to issue a concise version of AACR1, but these plans never came to fruition.


» a leopard cannot/never/doesn't/won't change(s) its spots = aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda; no se le puede pedir peras al olmo; la cabra siempre tira al monte.

Example: Anyone can turn their lives around -- I don't believe that whole thing that a leopard never changes its spots, because you're looking at someone who has.

» a woman's work is never done = el trabajo de la mujer no se valora, el trabajo de la mujer no se reconoce.

Example: Since a woman's job is never done, she must put her own health first so that she can be there for all who depend on her.

» better late than never = más vale tarde que nunca, nunca es tarde si la dicha es buena.

Example: The article 'Better late than never' discusses the extraordinary pace of change in the academic book market.

» enough + be + not/never + enough = no estar nunca satisfecho, siempre querer más.

Example: For them enough is never enough, and any kind of scam is right up their alley.

» it never did + Pronombre + any harm = nosotros lo hacíamos y no nos moríamos.

Example: It never did me any harm, it just taught me to bear the consequences of my actions and the effects they had on others.

» it never rains but it pours = las degracias nunca vienen solas; llover sobre mojado; eramos pocos y parió la abuela; a perro flaco, todo son pulgas; al perro flaco, todo se le vuelven pulgas. [Usado más frecuentemente en inglés británico]

Example: I don't think I'll ever stop using the phrase 'it never rains but it pours', but right now, life is looking up.

» like never before = como nunca, como nunca antes.

Example: You can transform yourself completely through such luxury holidays where you can roll in the lap of comfort and enjoy each moment like never before.

» never again = nunca jamás, nunca más.

Example: Once an A/Z subject index entry has been made for a particular subject it need never again be repeated.

» never + cease to amaze = no dejar de sorprender, vivir para ver.

Example: It never ceases to amaze me how kids don't need any introduction with other kids to play with them.

» never-ending = sin fin, eterno, interminable, inacabable, inagotable.

Example: His, he concludes, is the never-ending search for what is new in the world out yonder.

» never-finishing = sin fin, eterno, interminable, inacabable, inagotable.

Example: And becoming aware (a never-finishing process of intelligent life) is in itself action.

» never for a minute = en absoluto, ni un segundo.

Example: But even her detractors admired her sincerity on the subject and never for a minute doubted her good intentions.

» never + forget a face = ser un buen fisonomista, nunca olvidar una cara, nunca olvidarse de una cara.

Example: She never forgets a face -- not even someone she met for just a moment, not even decades later.

» never + hear + the end/last of it = tener cuerda para rato, ser el cuento de nunca acabar, tener cuerda para largo, traer colar (para rato), seguir coleando.

Example: This is a rivalry that has gone on for years and I will never hear the end of it for the next ten years if I lose.

» never in a million years = nunca en un millón de año, cuando las ranas críen pelos.

Example: How could she tell him she would never in a million years work for him, not for all the money in the world.

» never in a month of Sundays = nunca, jamás, ni por asomo, ni por casualidad, cuando las ranas críen pelos.

Example: The two stepsisters also wondered who the newcomer was, for never in a month of Sundays, would they ever have guessed that the beautiful girl was really poor Cinderella who talked to the cat!.

» never in + Posesivo + wildest dreams = ni en sueños, ni en + Posesivo + mejores sueños.

Example: Never in her wildest dreams would she have believed that her mother had been through what she did and was still able to rise above it.

» never leave for tomorrow what you can do today = nunca dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy.

Example: My grandfather lived by the principle: 'never leave for tomorrow what you can do today'.

» never look a gift horse in the mouth = a caballo regalado no le mires el diente.

Example: There's an old saying, 'never look a gift horse in the mouth,' but in the world of freebie hunting this is not always a good policy.

» never + look back = no arrepentirse, no añorar el pasado, no volver la vista atrás.

Example: As banks collapse and thousands are laid off, former finance industry whizz-kids say they have never looked back after quitting their jobs.

» never looked back ever since = irle muy bien, irle a las mil maravillas, no arrepentirse.

Example: Mick started his musical career as a singer and songwriter twenty years ago and has never looked back ever since.

» never say never = nunca digas de este agua no beberé, nunca digas nunca.

Example: I learned in life to never say never about all kinds of things.

» never + Verbo + one + Nombre = nunca + Verbo + ni un + Nombre.

Example: He's been our paperboy for years, and he's never been late one morning.

» never (you) mind = sin tener en cuenta, no importa, cuando menos.

Example: But of its four sentences, the third was so determined to present a grammatically structured metaphor for its meaning that it dazzled my eye, never mind my already unsympathetic brain.

» now or never = ahora o nunca.

Example: Live for the moment -- it's now or never so let's stand together.

» old ways never die, the = viejas costumbres nunca desaparecen, las.

Example: But thankfully the old ways never die, just think about stone engraving, calligraphy, horseback riding, and wood-burning fireplaces.

» one never knows... = nunca se sabe....

Example: One never knows where the solution to a problem lies.

» the city that never sleeps = la ciudad que nunca duerme.

Example: Several cities (New York, Chicago, etc.) have claimed the title of 'the city that never sleeps'.

» the course of true love never did run smooth! = ¡la vida no es un camino de rosas!, ¡la vida no es un lecho de rosas!.

Example: The course of true love never did run smooth!.

» the thought never + cross + Posesivo + mind (that) = nunca + pensar + que, nunca se + Pronombre + ocurrir (que), nunca + Pronombre + lo + plantear, nunca + Pronombre + plantear + que.

Example: Many thought I should leave her, but the thought never crossed my mind = Mucha gente pensaba que debería dejarla, pero yo nunca me lo planteé.

» the thought never + enter + Posesivo + mind (that) = nunca + pensar + que, nunca se + Pronombre + ocurrir (que), nunca + Pronombre + lo + plantear, nunca + Pronombre + plantear + que.

Example: She feared anyone else would drop her, but the thought never entered her mind with Dax = Temía que cualquier otra persona la dejaría, pero nunca pensar que Dax lo haría.

» thought never + enter + Posesivo + head = nunca + pensar + que, nunca se + Pronombre + ocurrir (que), nunca + Pronombre + lo + plantear, nunca + Pronombre + plantear + que.

Example: The thought never entered my head that a gollywog was offensive until it got banned -- to me it was just a doll.

Never antonyms

ever pronunciation: evɜr part of speech: adverb always pronunciation: ɔlweɪz part of speech: adverb
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