Neuter in spanish


pronunciation: neutɹ̩oʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

neuter1 = neutro. 

Example: Remember to always drop the final vowel of a neuter noun before you add the plural ending.

neuter2 = castración, capadura. 

Example: A neuter is often performed on puppies around the age of six months.

neuter3 = castrar, capar, esterilizar. 

Example: There are those, not usually librarians, who believe the library is so neutral as to be neutered, whereas others see it as not neutral enough.

Neuter synonyms

alter in spanish: alterar, pronunciation: ɔltɜr part of speech: verb asexual in spanish: asexual, pronunciation: eɪseksjuəl part of speech: adjective spay in spanish: sacar los ovarios a, pronunciation: speɪ part of speech: verb sexless in spanish: asexuado, pronunciation: sekslɪs part of speech: adjective nonsexual in spanish: no sexual, pronunciation: nɑnsekʃuəl part of speech: adjective

Neuter antonyms

feminine pronunciation: femənən part of speech: adjective, noun masculine pronunciation: mæskjələn part of speech: adjective
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