Ness in spanish
pronunciation: ness part of speech: noun

-ness [Lista de palabras que acaban con este sufijo]
» aboutness = temática, significado global, tema tratado, alusividad. [En lenguajes documentales, contenido del que trata un documento. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: This article contends that indexing which generally represents only 'aboutness' (topic) serves the novice adequately, but does not serve the expert who is concerned with highly specific aspects of points-of-view (comment) = En lenguajes documentales, contenido del que trata un documento. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo.» abruptness = brusquedad, precipitación.
Example: Then, with a kind of energetic abruptness, Bough said that they could try to build a case for keeping the budget intact = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo.» aggresiveness = agresividad, audacia, intrepidez.
Example: The innovative thrust of an organization significantly affects the aggressiveness of the firm's strategy for investment in information technology.» aggressiveness = agresividad.
Example: People vary in aggressiveness, just as they vary in many other traits, and this variation has some important consequences.» airiness = amplitud, ligereza.
Example: The new library is a elegant modern building with excellent natural lighting and a feeling of airiness and space throughout.» airworthiness = aeronavegabilidad. [En el caso de las aeronaves, condición de estar aptas para volar. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: This article describes how traditional task analysis was used to understand the work processes associated with the Federal Aviation Administration, USA, airworthiness inspection activities.» alertness = convencimiento, concienciación.
Example: An alertness to work in related fields may stimulate creativity in disseminating ideas from one field of study to another, for both the researcher and the manager = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo.» aliveness = vitalidad, viveza, vivacidad, vigor.
Example: The beauty, the aliveness, the creativity, the passion that made her lovable and gave her life meaning has been effaced.» aloofness = distanciamiento, alejamiento, actitud distante.
Example: Social distance, the aloofness and unapproachability of persons of different social strata, is both a symbol of class standing.» appropriateness = lo apropiado, adecuación, idoneidad, pertinencia.
Example: The quality and appropriateness of the end product of a search depends upon the recognition of these factors = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo.» aptness = pertinencia.
Example: This article considers current management theory and its aptness for libraries in a period of rapid change.» arbitrariness = arbitrariedad.
Example: Arbitrariness and inconsistency in cataloguing go far beyond what most librarians and cataloguers imagine.» aridness = aridez.
Example: Its aridness traditionally made agriculture difficult and it was cut off from vital trade routes by its distance from the sea.» artfulness = astucia, sagacidad.
Example: The dictionary defines policy as 'any governing principle or course of action' and as 'political wisdom or cunning: diplomacy; prudence; artfulness'.» assertiveness = asertividad, seguridad en uno mismo, confianza en uno mismo.
Example: This article briefly reviews some of the research on stress and links this back to assertiveness -- standing up for one's rights without violating the rights of others -- as a stress-reducing technique which might be applicable in the library situation.» assiduousness = asiduidad, constancia.
Example: Of course, the extent to which individual libraries are able to satisfy academic needs for access to material depends partially upon the assiduousness with which it has been collected.» attractiveness = atracción, atractivo, encanto.
Example: It is therefore one of the librarian's prime tasks to preserve the attractiveness of the stock for as long as possible = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo.» authoritativeness = autoría, prestigio.
Example: Abstractors recognized as authorities in the field also increase the authoritativeness of abstracts.» avariciousness = avaricia, codicia.
Example: The economy in general was suffering from the company owner's avariciousness.» avidness = avidez, ansia, pasión, entusiasmo.
Example: His chronic ailments never managed to inhibit his avidness for writing, romantic intrigue, society, and travel.» awareness = comprensión, concienciación, conocimiento pleno, conocimiento de la existencia.
Example: Against this proliferation of hosts there is a distinct awareness amongst users of the need for the rationalisation = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo.» awfulness = atrocidad.
Example: But among those elements there may be something new and strange which one may not be able to assimilate oneself, as an adult, because of the sheer awfulness of the rest of the stuff.» awkwardness = incomodidad.
Example: Long pauses caused awkwardness and discomfort for the user.» backwardness = atraso, retraso, tercer mundismo.
Example: Libraries in developing countries suffer from technological backwardness.» badness = maldad, mala calidad.
Example: Measurement in and of itself is neutral and cannot indicate 'goodness' or 'badness' = La medición en sí misma es neutral y no puede indicar lo bueno o malo que algo es.» baldness = calvicie.
Example: Baldness researchers have developed a treatment that could mean the end of chrome domes.» baseness = bajeza, vileza.
Example: Nothing is more repugnant to me than brotherly feelings grounded in the common baseness people see in one another.» bashfulness = timidez, vergüenza, pudor, empacho.
Example: In other cases, straightforward alphabetical arrangement scatters topics within the same facet which could be arranged more helpfully; eg in Psychology we find BF575 Special forms of emotion eg .A5 Anger .A9 Awe .B3 bashfulness .F2 Fear .H3 Hate .L8 Love. S4 Self-consciousness.» bawdiness = indecencia, obscenidad.
Example: Despite the unsavory characters, bawdiness, and amorality in several of his plays, Middleton was more committed to a single theological system than, for example, Shakespeare.» betweenness = grado de proximidad entre dos.
Example: Betweenness is an important theme pervading much of mathematical thinking.» bewilderness = desconcierto, perplejidad.
Example: The article 'Library scavenger hunts: a way out of the bewilderness' describes the use of library scavenger hunts to teach high school and college students research strategies and to make library use both enticing and enriching.» bitterness = amargor, amargura, resentimiento, rencor, acritud, acrimonia.
Example: Love is the exact opposite of unforgiveness, envy, jealousy, hate, pride and bitterness.» bitterness = amargor, amargura.
Example: That bitterness you sometimes taste in citrus fruit comes from limonin, a compound that most people can detect at concentrations as small as a few parts per million.» blackness = negrura, negritud, tenebrosidad, oscuridad.
Example: Blackness is like putting you on a chessboard, where things are strictly black and white, and there is no in-between.» blandness = lo insulso, lo anodino.
Example: In some bookstores book selection is carried out with an eye to profitability and blandness.» blindness = ceguera.
Example: There may be a number of factors to account for such blindness = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo.» boastfulness = jactancia, arrogancia, fanfarronería.
Example: For all their nationalistic boastfulness, the Spanish economy remained largely dependent on foreigners.» boldness = osadía, audacia, intrepidez, atrevimiento.
Example: Whilst this may seem an unnecessarily negative approach to an issue appearing to need boldness and certainty, it seemed relevant to the experienced circumstances = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo.» boorishness = grosería, vulgaridad, tosquedad.
Example: The debate did voters a service by exposing Trump's compulsive bluster and boorishness.» bounciness = elasticidad.
Example: Try out the bounciness of different bed bases to see which you prefer.» boyishness = chiquillada, travesura, puerilidad, infantilidad, candidez, inocencia.
Example: His grandmother clearly doted on him despite the fact that his high energy and general boyishness constantly drove her to distraction.» brazenness = impudencia, descaro, desfachatez, atrevimiento, insolencia, frescura, osadía, caradura.
Example: However, his brazenness was short-lived as a canon shell shattered his right leg, forcing the garrison to surrender.» breathlessness = falta de aliento, falta de respiración, disnea.
Example: Breathlessness is a sensation that occurs when the brain senses that the body isn't getting enough oxygen.» brightness = brillo.
Example: The brightness can be adjusted by turning the two knobs at the lower right of the screen = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo.» brittleness = fragilidad, debilidad.
Example: Aspects of physical condition, including pH, brittleness, mutilation, and environmental damage were surveyed = Los aspectos del estado físico que se estudiaron fueron el pH, la fragilidad, la mutilación y los daños producidos por las condiciones ambientales.» broadness = anchura, amplitud.
Example: Old age is when broadness of the mind and narrowness of the waist change places.» brusqueness = brusquedad.
Example: 'Let these people by!' shouted the young man with angry, exasperated brusqueness.» brutishness = brutalidad.
Example: Since the end of his life there has been speculation that a mental illness contributed to Stalin's brutishness.» bulkiness = voluminosidad.
Example: This article discusses the importance of molecular bulkiness and the steric factor for sweetness.» busyness = estar ocupado. [Nombre que define la cualidad de estar ocupado haciendo algo. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: Examples would include giving a spurious impression of busyness at the reference desk = Nombre que define la cualidad de estar ocupado haciendo algo. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo.» callousness = insensibilidad, crueldad.
Example: Lack of proper self-evaluation may explain both their callousness and their imprudence = La falta de una autoevaluación adecuada puede explicar su insensibilidad e imprudencia.» calmness = calma, tranquilidad.
Example: Patience, calmness and clear thinking must be the virtues to aspire to in such circumstances.» capriciousness = capricho, variabilidad, volubilidad, veleidad, inestabilidad.
Example: Caught between the violence of human will and the capriciousness of fate these characters refuse to become what nature intended them to be.» carefulness = cuidado, prudencia, esmero, meticulosidad.
Example: Indignation, and carefulness, or earnestness, are here combined with zeal; which is often mentioned as a term of faith.» carelessness = descuido.
Example: Apart from errors due to general carelessness, proper names and chemical and mathematical formulae are particularly susceptible to mistakes = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo.» casualness = informalidad, sencillez.
Example: 'I can certainly understand your concern,' she ventured, speaking with a certain amiable casualness which she hoped would keep the edge off his annoyance, 'but we're really trying to protect the taxpayer's investment and the library's materials'.» cautiousness = cautela.
Example: She closed the door as he had said, not knowing what this cautiousness foreshadowed.» centredness = centralización, orientación.
Example: The principles of learner centredness and constructivism provided the bases for the design of synchronous activities such as student moderated seminars in this study.» cheapness = el ser barato, baratura.
Example: The cheapness however is not primarily because the book is a paperback, it is because the book has been printed to the tune of perhaps hundreds of thousands of copies = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo.» cheerfulness = alegría, buen humor, jovialidad.
Example: Blood hypothesized that girls were dated because they exhibit such personality characteristics as consideration, cheerfulness, being a good sport, & a sense of humor = Blood formuló la hipótesis de que las chicas tenían citas debido a las características de su personalidad como consideración, alegría, ser una tía apañada y tener sentido del humor.» childishness = niñería, inmadurez, infantilismo, puerilidad.
Example: The terms child, childishness, & child-like are used to indicate that there is something that is not quite right about a point of view, an individual, or a political position.» citedness = grado de citación.
Example: A negative correlation was hypothesised between citedness and publication delay but this was not borne out.» cleanliness = limpieza.
Example: The duties of the librarian -- to maintain cleanliness, and update lists of all works in the collection -- were initially prescribed by state legislation.» cleanness = limpieza, pureza.
Example: Banana contains large amounts of soluble fiber, which can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria keeping the cleanness of the intestinal tract.» clearness = claridad.
Example: They emphasize clearness, flexibility, ease of use and following standards as important aspects to consider when designing a user interface for an OPAC.» cleverness = inteligencia.
Example: They see people as marked by one particular attribute, cleverness, or kindness, or strictness, or being a good shot, and they mind whether things are right or wrong.» closeness = cercanía, proximidad.
Example: This is a method of calculating semantic similarity between sets of index terms, based on the maximal closeness values achieved by each term.» cloudiness = nubosidad.
Example: The frontal system moving east will bring increasing cloudiness and widely scattered showers.» clumsiness = torpeza.
Example: But the old printers were men who got on each other's nerves and lost their tempers; who had moments of disastrous clumsiness; and who improvised and botched without hesitation whenever their tools or materials did not precisely meet the needs of the moment.» clunkiness = pesadez, incomodidad.
Example: They managed to recreate the look and feel of Britannica without the clunkiness of the paper index and difficult page navigation of the paper Encyclopaedia Britannica.» coarseness = tosquedad, ordinariez.
Example: The protagonist experiences a jarring descent from the heights of literary distinction at court to the coarseness of common experience.» coevalness = coetaneidad, contemporaneidad.
Example: Equally important for her is Johannes Fabian's recognition of 'coevalness' between anthropologists and the cultures they study.» cohesiveness = cohesión.
Example: The degree of cohesiveness of the group and the attitudes of one person toward another are important factors in this process.» coldness = frialdad, indiferencia, impasibilidad.
Example: I don't know if it's coldness or just how the body, overloaded,tends to shut down, but as my brother neared death I felt nothing that resembled grief.
» commonness = características comunes, afinidad.
Example: Campbell's lectures present themes on the commonness of all mankind and the importance of relationships with God, the land, and one another.» compactness = compacticidad, compactación.
Example: Magnetic tapes are a very successful storage device, offering high speeds, compactness, low cost and an ability to reuse.» competitiveness = competitividad, competencia.
Example: The homogeneity, competitiveness and resulting synergy of this market is fostering significant advances in the capability of smaller computers to manage large massess of data.» completeness = grado de compleción, lo completo, nivel de detalle. [Nivel o grado en que algo está completo. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: The completeness of a catalog record for the volumes depends, of course, upon the kind of multi-volume work being cataloged.» comprehensiveness = el alcance, lo extenso, envergadura.
Example: The importance of currency in relation to comprehensiveness and other features of the abstracting publication depends upon the subject area and audience.» conciseness = concisión.
Example: Check the draft abstract for punctuation, spelling, accuracy, omissions and conciseness.» conclusiveness = irrevocabilidad, carácter conclusivo, carácter definitivo, contundencia.
Example: Luhmann's attempt to assign to language a merely marginal role renders questionable the conclusiveness of his theory.» concreteness = concreción.
Example: Good literature insists on 'the mass and majesty' of the world -- on its concreteness and sensuous reality, and on its meanings beyond 'thisness'.» connectedness = conexión.
Example: Increasingly, services will be built on communicating computers; 'connectedness' is what allows them to talk to each other.» consciousness = conciencia, consciencia, conocimiento.
Example: For example, the latter are unlikely to engage themselves in conservation issues as these now press upon the professional consciousness of librarians.» conspicuousness = llamar la atención, resaltar.
Example: One of the most cited shortcomings of mobile advice centres, that their conspicuousness deters people from using them, does not seem to have been a problem.» constructiveness = constructividad.
Example: These messages were examined for 'friendly' features, such as politeness, specificity, constructiveness and helpfulness, and for 'unfriendly' features, like the use of cryptic codes or vocabulary, or language which users might find threatening, domineering, or emotive.» coolness = frialdad.
Example: A conspicuous coolness had existed between them since they had exchanged views on the hiring of Lisa Huish.» coolness = lo chulo.
Example: The author examines the way ephemeral aesthetic notions like cuteness, quaintness, romance, glamour, and coolness are constituted and marketed.» cooperativeness [co-operativeness] = cooperación.
Example: The notion of interests is far subtler than many have realized, and leaves open the possibility that cooperativeness may be adaptive, virtuous, and a good thing .» copiousness = abundancia, copiosidad.
Example: He immerses us in 'language that is unique for its copiousness,' now speaking 'of exquisite intimations that can occur only in a half-light,' then babbling 'of chamber-pots, leg-irons, factories and policemen'.» coquettishness = coquetería.
Example: She was a gentlewoman, and I had not detected any signs of coquettishness in her, so I was a little confused as to what she was suggesting.» correctiveness = corrección.
Example: Exuberance and enthusiasm are proper to the young, as Quintillian remarked: 'The young should be daring and inventive and should rejoice in their inventions, even though correctiveness and severity are still to be acquired'.» correctness = exactitud, corrección, integridad.
Example: Only entries without cross-references and notes may be changed because the system cannot judge the correctness of the cross-references and notes for the changed entry.» cosiness [coziness, -USA] = comodidad, confortabilidad, conveniencia.
Example: The 1st impression of cosiness is dispelled on closer examination, which reveals gross overcrowding in staff working areas.» cost-effectiveness = costes-eficacia, rentabilidad. [En evaluación de servicios, coste de alcanzar unos determinados resultados. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: Cost-benefit analysis is often confused with cost-effectiveness but, as Lancaster points out, there is a subtle difference.» costliness = alto precio.
Example: This article indicates the costliness and lack of necessity of freeze drying.» covetousness = avaricia, codicia.
Example: Covetousness is without a doubt the biggest sin in the United States and Europe today.» crankiness = irratibilidad, irascibilidad, excentricidad.
Example: The fact that she knows hormones are causing her temporary crankiness doesn't make her feelings any less real, so cut her some slack.» craziness = locura, chifladura.
Example: As for you, try to isolate yourself from all this craziness that have been going around you.» creativeness = creatividad.
Example: Creativeness in all fields of activity results in an interest, a demand for more and eventually a market.» creditworthiness = solvencia, crédito.
Example: Although my father 'didn't know her from a hole in the wall,' he walked into a bank and vouched for her creditworthiness.» crisp(i)ness = lo crujiente.
Example: When you bite into it, the crispiness of the batter combined with the softness of the flower inside, will floor you completely -- a must-try!.» crudeness = crudeza, brusquedad, rudeza, acritud, aspereza.
Example: The subway makes people irrational -- it seems to transform kindness and intelligence into crudeness and insipidness.» crunchiness = lo crujiente.
Example: These biscuits are made with whole almonds and honey and are baked twice for extreme crunchiness.» cumbersomeness = incomodidad, torpeza, lo incómodo de, lo engorroso de, lo molesto de.
Example: Such a huge file is only useful, given what we know about the cumbersomeness of the present card catalog, when one has an electronic means of sorting and searching.» cuteness = lo lindo.
Example: The author examines the way ephemeral aesthetic notions like cuteness, quaintness, romance, glamour, and coolness are constituted and marketed.» darkness = oscuridad, intensidad, calígine, tinieblas.
Example: At every instant the darkness of the line being drawn is made equal to the darkness of the point on the picture being observed by the photocell.» datedness = falta de actualidad, desfase.
Example: The relative datedness of most in print guides implies that they will not always serve as a means of avoiding the considerable chore of searching the recent individual parts of current cumulative bibliographies.» deafness = sordera.
Example: Building a well-rounded collection of materials related to deafness requires matching patrons' needs with books and audiovisual items that will fill these needs.» deathlessness = inmortalidad.
Example: While it is true that Wordsworth's ode would sound less impressive as Hints of Deathlessness than it does as Intimations of Immortality, the former is as correct a formulation of the subject as the latter = Aunque es verdad que la oda de Wordsworth sonaría menos impactante con el título 'Insinuaciones de inmortalidad' que con el título 'Intimidades de inmortalidad', el primero refleja el contenido tan correctamente como el segundo.» deceitfulness = engaño, deshonestidad, falsedad, duplicidad, doblez.
Example: Deceitfulness is sometimes remains ignored because a significant majority of people indulge in it.» deceptiveness = falsedad, mentira, naturaleza engañosa.
Example: In some cases, public figures are famous because of their lies; in other cases, their renown obscures the universality of deceptiveness.» defencelessnes [defenselessness, -USA] = indefensión, desprotección, desamparo, vulnerabilidad.
Example: She cultivated vulnerability in order to refute the argument that woman's natural defenselessness incapacitated her for public speaking.» defensiveness = actitud de defensa.
Example: Passive managerial techniques foster discontent and disrespect among staff members, and aggressive techniques create defensiveness, mistrust, and hostility.» denseness = densidad.
Example: The denseness of the tissue thus makes it more likely that a cancer might be missed.» denseness = estupidez.
Example: At the beginning, her denseness was sooooo irritating!.» desirableness = conveniencia.
Example: Its title deserves giving in full: 'The desirableness of establishing personal intercourse and relations between librarians and readers in popular libraries'.» dimness = falta de brillo, falta de resplandor, semioscuridad, oscurecimiento.
Example: The dimness of the light her candle emitted made her turn to it with alarm; but there was no danger of its sudden extinction.» directness = franqueza, lo directo.
Example: The LA benefited greatly from his quiet influence, honesty, intelligence and directness.» disinterestedness = desinterés.
Example: It is commonly held that altruism, especially within ethics, requires selflessness or disinterestedness.» disjoitness = incoherencia, inconexión, incongruecia.
Example: The story of disjointness stretches back to the dawn of communication complexity.» distinctiveness = individualidad, singularidad, idiosincrasia, peculiaridad.
Example: The necessity of organisational cohabitation does not obliterate the distinctiveness of each from the other.» distinctness = singularidad, particularidad, peculiaridad.
Example: The library director and the architect cooperated to preserve the distinctness of an aging building while providing the public with up-to-the-minute services.» dizziness = mareo, vahído, vértigo.
Example: The most frequently reported adverse events were headache, diarrhoea, nausea, insomnia, somnolence, constipation, dizziness, sweating and taste abnormalities.» doggedness = tenacidad, obstinación, determinación, perseverancia, porfía.
Example: I have a feeling doggedness is quite as important as imagination.» drabness = monotonía.
Example: It is impatient with Juctionville for its failure to move ahead as fast as it would like and is bothered by the city's drabness and general lack of class and culture.» drowsiness = somnolencia, adormecimiento, modorra, sopor.
Example: This amino acid has been widely used as a sleeping aid because it can produce drowsiness.» drunkenness = embriaguez, borrachera, mona.
Example: During the parliamentary debates he pointed out the advantages of the library to towns at present suffering from excesses of drunkenness and debauchery.» dryness = sequedad.
Example: This article describes briefly the damage that can be caused to books by climatic conditions such as strong sunlight, humidity, and excessive dryness.» dubiousness = dudosidad.
Example: Despite the dubiousness of this source, the idea has hung around in ufology for over 50 years.» dullness = lo aburrido, aburrimiento.
Example: I was vexed by the dullness of his proceedings at work and though he understands it he does many things by rote, and very dully.» dullness = falta de brillo.
Example: One problem I have with my hair is dullness -- after so many color experiments I have been left with no shine.» duskiness = oscuridad, tinieblas, luz del atardecer.
Example: Some of the photos are a bit dark; however, the duskiness does convey the hazy, 'frozen in time' feel of the room at that moment.» duskiness = moreno de la piel.
Example: Keith's complexion is dark and his duskiness is attractive, but somehow his huskiness makes him scary.» eagerness = afán, ansia, avidez, entusiasmo, ímpetu, fogosidad.
Example: The sense of alienation that had evolved over 50 years has gradually given way to a spirit of teamwork and eagerness to learn.» earnestness = seriedad.
Example: The tone of voice should suggest that the inquirer's interest demonstrates something positive about the person -- if not charm, wit, or intelligence, then perhaps earnestness.» easiness = facilidad.
Example: With the emerging importance of practicality in this field, easiness in adopting formal technology should be taken into account.» eeriness = rareza, extrañeza, misterio.
Example: The eeriness of the novel is increased by the everyday look of its characters.» effectiveness = eficacia. [En evaluación de servicios, grado alcanzado por la biblioteca en el cumplimiento de sus metas y objetivos. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: Effectiveness is the extent to whith the libary is achieving its goals and objectives.» effortlessness = facilidad, ausencia de esfuerzo.
Example: Unfortunately, effortlessness is a highly subjective measure including many factors.» elusiveness = elusividad.
Example: It must in fact be doubted whether 'internal documents' as a class could be said to have any characteristic by which the user might distinguish them from publications, except their relative elusiveness.» emptiness = vacío, vacuidad, desolación.
Example: The economic recession and the new technology are, between them, leaving a section of society with a feeling of hopelessness and emptiness = La recesión económica y las nuevas tecnologías, entre otros, están dejando a un sector de la sociedad con un sentimiento de desesperación y vacío.» ephemeralness = fugacidad.
Example: Such ephemeralness and homogenization of library collections serve the interests of all community members.» evenness = regularidad, uniformidad.
Example: Assess the evenness of the substance of the paper, and the frequency of knots and impurities.» evocativeness = evocatividad.
Example: He saw the modern use of form in terms of symbolic mediation and evocativeness.» exactness = exactitud, precisión.
Example: Research into controlled and free language is essential for achiever greater exactness in on-line searching.» exclusiveness = exclusividad.
Example: Corporate authors give rise to a further group of problems which, because of their exclusiveness, demand separate treatment.» exhaustiveness = exhaustividad.
Example: An indication of the exhaustiveness and currency of a review can be gleaned from an examination of the bibliography.» expansiveness = comunicabilidad.
Example: The informal relaxed atmosphere is also conducive to a greater expansiveness on the part of even the most reticent of speakers.» expensiveness = lo caro.
Example: A noticeable feature is the relative expensiveness of Dutch journals.» expertness = pericia.
Example: Like any other teaching technique, effective use demands a degree of expertness that comes only with experimentation and experience.» explicitness = explicitud, claridad.
Example: Other issues of concern include the various complexities of titles proper of serials and areas of description where the code lacks explicitness.» expressiveness = expresividad.
Example: Expressiveness: an expressive notation expresses or displays the relationship structure of subjects within the scheme.» faintness = debilidad, desfallecimiento.
Example: Faintness is the feeling of a lack of strength with a sensation of impending loss of consciousness.» fairness = imparcialidad, justicia, ecuanimidad, igualdad de tratamiento.
Example: That's a federal agency I believe that what they've done in this particular case represents social justice and elementary fairness.» faithfulness = fidelidad, lealtad.
Example: Expanding the character set would have consequences for transcription and faithfulness of transcription has implications for retrieval.» fakeness = falsedad.
Example: California is a common reference for many artists in that it invokes thoughts of excess, splendor, wealth, and a sense of fakeness in body and spirit.» fastness = estabilidad, inalterabilidad.
Example: This paper discusses the influence of fixing treatments on the fastness of ink dyes on paper in aqueous deacidification.» fatness = gordura, obesidad.
Example: Moreover, her fatness is an act of defiance; in a world in which women are taught to take up as little space as possible, Lilian learns to foist her way into the public sphere.» fattiness = obesidad, gordura.
Example: She is a revolting person, not merely because of her fattiness and ambition in life, but also because of her incredible selfishness.» fearlessness = temeridad, audacia, intrepidez, osadía.
Example: Greed and fearlessness linked the Elizabethan sea rover, the 18th-century naval captain hungry for prize money, and the early-Victorian soldier for whom the storming of an Indian city offered the chance of booty.» femaleness = feminidad, femineidad.
Example: Despite the egalitarianism of recent years, children associate anger with maleness and happiness and sadness with femaleness.» fickleness = inconstancia, volubilidad, veleidad.
Example: The fickleness of the women I love is only equaled by the infernal constancy of the women who love me.» fierceness = agresividad, ferocidad, fiereza.
Example: Recently, stars have been going for understated fierceness by sleeking their hair straight back and away from their hairline.» fineness = precisión, delicadeza, finura, fineza, exquisitez.
Example: To gain an idea of the fineness of detail necessary to produce the circuit elements on the chip, imagine a map of the British Isles showing sufficient detail to identify even the narrowest side-street in London.» firmness = firmeza, rotundidad.
Example: To implement this policy without creating resentment requires firmness and sensitivity.» fitness = buen estado físico, buena forma física, gimnasia de mantenimiento, fitness.
Example: Documents indexed in SPORT data base deal with all aspects of sport, fitness and recreation.» fitness = idoneidad, conveniencia.
Example: In evaluating the fitness of certain items for inclusion or exclusion in bibliographies it could, indeed, be argued that 'control' could be thought of as a repressive, censoring, device.» flakiness = posibilidad de descascarillarse, posibilidad de pelarse, posibilidad de descascararse.
Example: Among the visual attributes found to be most useful were: absorption (soaks in, sits on top), luster (shiny, dull), flakiness (doesn't flake off, flakes off), and thickness (thin, thick).» flatness = llanura, lo llano, lo plano.
Example: Having entered the next state and a highway off the turnpike, he was amazed by the extraordinary flatness of the land, especially in contrast to the hilly terrain he had grown up with back home.» flightiness = inconstancia, veleidad.
Example: And in keeping with the flightiness of youth, Thieriot leaves the commentary halfway through, because there's somewhere else he has to be.» fondness = cariño, afecto, afección, apego.
Example: It may sound trite, but it is indeed gratifying to know that one has made a difference in somebody's life and is remembered with fondness = Puede sonar poco novedoso, aunque de hecho es gratificante saber que uno ha sido importante en la vida de alguien y que se le recuerda con cariño.» foolishness = estupidez, insensatez.
Example: That's partly because the foolishness or disasters that we as catalogers face daily are seldom translated into letters to LC.» forcefulness = fuerza, enjundia, energía, vigor, brío, contundencia, pujanza.
Example: Certain types of people are soft and their softness comes out of lack of courage and forcefulness.» forgetfulness = olvido, tendencia al olvido.
Example: The means for breaking this forgetfulness tendency should be rigorously explored = Se debería analizar rigurosamente la manera de acabar con esta tendencia al olvido.» forgiveness = perdón.
Example: Schools, it is suggested, need to introduce their students to an understanding of the complexities of these notions of forgiveness and other possible attitudes to wrongdoers.» forwardness = atrevimiento, descaro, desparpajo, desenvoltura.
Example: Chapman is attracted to Anne, but she finds his forwardness offputting.» freshness = frescor, frescura.
Example: A new approach is needed to maintain the freshness, vitality and humour that will keep at bay the dryer mode of academic examination.» friendliness = amabilidad, simpatía.
Example: Scenes that include conflict, emotions, prejudices, misunderstandings, and unreasonableness but also kindliness, humor, friendliness, and goodwill are acted out daily in different kinds of libraries.» fruitfulness = fecunidad, fertilidad, utilidad, productividad, rendimiento.
Example: The fruitfulness of our life depends in large measure on our ability to doubt our own words and to question the value of our own work.» fruitiness = sabor a fruta, olor a fruta.
Example: The fruitiness of a jam is crucial to its success.» fullness = amplitud, integridad, entereza, plenitud, lo completo que Algo está.
Example: Names commonly vary in fullness, especially in terms of the extent of abbreviations and initials used.» fussiness = quisquillosidad, irritabilidad.
Example: I do think teething is the most likely cause of her fussiness, but I don't want to be one of those mums who blames it all on teething.» fustiness = olor a moho, olor a humedad.
Example: The fact is that our palates have learned over the years to expect and to accept rancidity and fustiness (the two defects often go hand in hand) in olive oil.» futureness = futuro, el. [El futuro como atributo o cualidad de algo. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: For them, events only truly exist in the present, and they posses properties of pastness, presentness and futureness.» fuzziness = falta de claridad, falta de precisión.
Example: This is a rather fuzzy basis for establishing subject headings, but fuzziness is not the guidelines only fault.» geekiness = excentricidad, rareza, extravagancia.
Example: We will evaluate proposals on criteria of usefulness, newness, geekiness, and diversity of topics.» gentleness = suavidad, delicadeza.
Example: Indeed, the Clarendon Press kept a Napier double platen machine at work until 1950 for the sake of its gentleness with the delicate kerns of Fell italic.» genuineness = sinceridad, autenticidad.
Example: The positive attribute users seek is genuineness; that is, the individual librarian is 'without bureaucratic facade or professional mask, able and willing to be himself'.» giddiness = mareo, vahído, vértigo.
Example: Depending on the intensity, giddiness may cause an individual to fall down or be unable to stand up from a seated position.» giddiness = frivolidad.
Example: The ancient historian Josephus says that women were disqualified from testifying because of 'their giddiness and impetuosity'.» giftedness = talento.
Example: For another thing, to the best of my knowledge IQ tests do not differentiate between different kinds of giftedness.» glibness = labia.
Example: Their expressed concern is far more with his remoteness, unresponsiveness, lack of sympathy, glibness, or dogmatism.» glossiness = brillo, lustre, tersura.
Example: Silkiness is assumed to depend on hair fiber properties such as straightness, glossiness, and smoothness.» godliness = devoción, divinidad, santidad, piedad.
Example: One of those things is learning about how to discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.» goodness = bondad, buena calidad, valor.
Example: Measurement in and of itself is neutral and cannot indicate 'goodness' or 'badness' = La medición en sí misma es neutral y no puede indicar lo bueno o malo que algo es.» graciousness = elegancia, gentileza, refinamiento.
Example: Henrietta Rood was preeminently a comfortable woman, with a certain elegance and a graciousness of heart that expressed itself in her face.» graininess = textura.
Example: The limits are set by the graininess of the film, the excellence of the optical system, and the efficiency of the light sources employed.» gratefulness = gratitud, agradecimiento.
Example: Gratefulness is easier when one has good health, money in the bank and material comforts.» greatness = grandeza.
Example: Log cabins were considered symbols of democracy and the frontier spirit, and President Abraham Lincoln was viewed as a symbol of unity, hope, and the American dream of rising from a humble background to greatness.» greediness = avaricia, codicia, rapacidad, gula, avidez.
Example: That element of greediness, which has been a canker in our political hierarchy, should be avoided.» gregariousness = sociabilidad. [Tendencia a pasar tiempo o vivir con otros seres de la misma especie. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: Global networks have created a situation where physical solitude can be combine with global gregariousness and the individual is more responsible for education and information gathering = Las redes mundiales han creado una situación donde la solitud física puede combinarse con la sociabilidad mundial y el individuo es más responsable de su educación y de la recogida de información.» greyness = tonalidad grisácea.
Example: There is often a slight greyness about lithographic ink when compared with letterpress ink = A menudo la tinta litográfica presenta una ligera tonalidad grisácea cuando se compara con la tinta tipográfica.» grouchines
Ness synonyms
in spanish: capa,
pronunciation: keɪp
part of speech: noun