Nephew in spanish
pronunciation: soʊbɹ̩inoʊ part of speech: noun
pronunciation: soʊbɹ̩inoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures
nephew = sobrino.
Example: In this book, written out of much grief and anguish, Kenny explores the drug culture that claimed the lives of her two nephews.more:
» great nephew = sobrino nieto.
Example: The popular image of Cleopatra is drawn from her enemy, Octavian, Julius Caesar's great nephew and heir and the first emperor of Rome.» Posesivo + husband's nephew = sobrino político.
Example: All of sudden, the door opened and my husband's nephew who is 19 ran out of the door really upset.» nephew by marriage = sobrino político.
Example: Charles Shloss, a nephew by marriage of Daniel Guggenheim, committed suicide here yesterday afternoon by drinking carbolic acid.» Posesivo + wife's nephew = sobrino político.
Example: My wife's nephew popped by yesterday and drank us out of apple juice.