Neighbourhood in spanish
pronunciation: bɑrioʊ part of speech: noun
pronunciation: bɑrioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

neighbourhood [neighborhood, -USA]1 = barrio, vecindario, vecindad. [A veces abreviado a hood. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: Their first-hand knowledge of the community and commitment to its problems has been invaluable in ensuring that NACs respond sympathetically and swiftly to the needs of the neighbourhood.more:
» be the talk of the (neighbour)hood = ser la comidilla del barrio.
Example: Remember that gardening can make your house the talk of the neighborhood or it can be just another house on the block.» neighbourhood advice centre (NAC) = asesoría de barrio (NAC).
Example: The most significant development in the field of information and advice services has been the phenomenal growth of neighbourhood advice centres (NAC).» neighbourhood association = asociación de vecinos.
Example: Cathy contributed unstintingly to her neighborhood association with wise counsel and encouragement.» neighbourhood-based = de barrio, a nivel de barrio.
Example: It is impossible to estimate the number of independent neighbourhood-based advice and information services currently in existence.» neighbourhood centre = centro de barrio.
Example: In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson initiated the 'Neighborhood Pilot Centres' programme aimed at providing a neighbourhood centre to co-ordinate the programmes of other federal agencies in every urban ghetto.» neighbourhood information centre (NIC) = centro de información ciudadana.
Example: The Kahn report saw NICs (neighbourhood information centers) as 'social utilities comparable to the general public utilities (gas, electric, phone) and public services (post office, water supply) which are recognized as vital to the adequate functioning of the individual, the family and the neighborhood in modern society' = El informa Kahn consideraba que los centros de información ciudadana son "empresas de servicio social comparables a las empresas de servicio público generales (el gas, la electricidad, el teléfono) y a los servicios públicos (correos, abastecimiento de agua) que se reconocen que son vitales para el funcionamiento adecuado del indivudo, la familia y la vecindad en la sociedad moderna" .» residential neighbourhood = barrio residencial.
Example: Findings in this paper demonstrate that these new residential neighbourhoods are characterised by a lack of 'neighbourliness'.neighbourhood [neighborhood, -USA]2 = proximidad.
Example: The 'false hit' problem still arises, but becomes less likely as the 'neighborhood' of the two words shrinks.