Negligence in spanish
pronunciation: neglixenθiɑ part of speech: noun
pronunciation: neglixenθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures
negligence = negligencia, desidia, abandono, dejadez, indolencia.
Example: Damage of library materials is often caused by carelessness and negligence.more:
» clinical negligence = negligencia clínica.
Example: In 1978 the Pearson Commission in the United Kingdom rejected a no-fault system in dealing with clinical negligence.» criminal negligence = negligencia criminal, imprudencia temeraria.
Example: That crucial evidence was withheld from the final report could give cause to bring charges of criminal negligence.» gross negligence = culpa grave, negligencia grave.
Example: General principles of criminal law, including the difference between recklessness and gross negligence, are reviewed to provide those in the outdoor industry a rough guide as to their possible criminal liability.