Needy in spanish


pronunciation: neθesitɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

needy [needier -comp., neediest -sup.] = necesitado, indigente. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: By definition, these are benefits, often in cash, which the state has decided are required by various needy categories of its citizens.


» the needy = los necesitados.

Example: One librarian bluntly wondered about the ethics of sending 'crummy looking books with information that is incorrect or obsolete to the needy (because) everyone should have access to good material'.

Needy synonyms

poor in spanish: pobre, pronunciation: pur part of speech: adjective indigent in spanish: indigente, pronunciation: ɪndɪdʒənt part of speech: adjective destitute in spanish: indigente, pronunciation: destətut part of speech: adjective impoverished in spanish: empobrecido, pronunciation: ɪmpɑvrɪʃt part of speech: adjective necessitous in spanish: necesitado, pronunciation: nəsesətəs part of speech: adjective poverty-stricken in spanish: pobre de la pobreza, pronunciation: pʌvɜrtistrɪkən part of speech: adjective
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