Needless in spanish


pronunciation: inneθesɑɹ̩ioʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

needless = innecesario. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: It is becoming urgently necessary for all information agencies to develop the closest co-operation to avoid wasting their resources through needless duplication and friction.


» needless to say = no hace falta decir que, ni que decir tiene que, huelga decir.

Example: Needless to say, any errors which remain are entirely our responsibility.

Needless synonyms

gratuitous in spanish: gratuito, pronunciation: grətuətəs part of speech: adjective unnecessary in spanish: innecesario, pronunciation: ənnesəseri part of speech: adjective unneeded in spanish: innecesario, pronunciation: ənnidɪd part of speech: adjective uncalled-for in spanish: fuera de lugar, pronunciation: ənkəledfɔr part of speech: adjective
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