Nauseating in spanish


pronunciation: nɑuseɑbundoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

nauseate = producir náuseas, dar náuseas, dar asco, asquear, repugnar. 

Example: She hadn't actually tossed her cookies, but the dust of the road and the smell of the exhaust combined with the bumpy ride had nauseated her.

nauseating = nauseabundo, asqueroso, repugnante, repelente, repulsivo. 

Example: This can give rise to ambiguity: for one person 'fulsome praise' may be no more than 'generous', while for another it may mean 'nauseating sycophancy'.

Nauseating synonyms

vile in spanish: vil, pronunciation: vaɪl part of speech: adjective offensive in spanish: ofensiva, pronunciation: əfensɪv part of speech: adjective, noun noisome in spanish: maloliente, pronunciation: nɔɪzəm part of speech: adjective nauseous in spanish: nauseabundo, pronunciation: nɔʃəs part of speech: adjective loathsome in spanish: repugnante, pronunciation: loʊðsəm part of speech: adjective sickening in spanish: nauseabundo, pronunciation: sɪkənɪŋ part of speech: adjective unwholesome in spanish: insalubre, pronunciation: ənwɑlsəm part of speech: adjective
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