Naturally in spanish


pronunciation: nɑtuɹ̩ɑlmente part of speech: adverb
In gestures

naturally1 = naturalmente, de manera natural, de forma natural. 

Example: Naturally, with the advent of the OPAC (online public access catalogue), union catalogues will be accessible via a variety of search keys.


» act + naturally = actuar con naturalidad, comportarse con naturalidad.

Example: We'll make a film about a man who's sad and lonely and all I gotta do is act naturally.

» be naturally gifted = tener un talento natural.

Example: Some actors who are naturally gifted and have a flair for the dramatic are often stifled and bottled up -- sort of like the genie inside the bottle.

» die + naturally = morir de forma natural, morir de manera natural, morir de muerte natural, morir de/por causas naturales.

Example: Her lawyer had asked the High Court to uphold her client's right to die at the time of her choosing but she died naturally.

» naturally-occurring = natural, que se encuentra en la naturaleza.

Example: This is a naturally-occurring abrasive traditionally employed in buffing metal.

» quite naturally = naturalmente, cosa natural, evidentemente, obviamente, como es lógico, como es natural, como es de esperar.

Example: This work thus gave rise, quite naturally, to the use of figure drawing for teaching some of the basic aspects of positional astronomy and astronavigation.

» quite naturally = con toda naturalidad, de forma natural, de manera natural.

Example: These are things healthy children do quite naturally as they learn and grow.

» unnaturally = de un modo poco natural.

Example: His face turned unnaturally red, as if his blood pressure had risen.

naturally2 = por naturaleza. 

Example: I question whether people are naturally good and capable of disciplining themselves = Me cuestiono si la gente es buena por naturaleza y capaz de imponerse una disciplina.


» come + naturally to = ser algo natural para, venir instintivamente a, venir por naturaleza a.

Example: Many of the revisions they suggest exacerbate the leaden, plethoric style that comes naturally to lawyers .

Naturally synonyms

course in spanish: curso, pronunciation: kɔrs part of speech: noun of course in spanish: por supuesto, pronunciation: ʌvkɔrs part of speech: adverb by nature in spanish: por naturaleza, pronunciation: baɪneɪtʃɜr part of speech: adverb

Naturally antonyms

artificially pronunciation: ɑrtəfɪʃəli part of speech: adverb unnaturally pronunciation: ənnætʃɜrəli part of speech: adverb by artificial means pronunciation: baɪɑrtəfɪʃəlminz part of speech: adverb
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