Nation in spanish


pronunciation: nɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

nation = nación. 

Example: It is virtually impossible to overestimate the importance of LC on bibliographic control in the nation's libraries or, for that matter, in the libraries of the world.


» Africa(n) Cup of Nations, the (CAN) = Copa Africana de Naciones, la.

Example: This year's African Cup of Nations is now over, with Cameroon taking the title after a victory over Egypt in the final.

» all-nation = nacional.

Example: The article 'New Czechoslovak database centres on the first all-nation level' describes the services offered by these centres and presents the results of a survey.

» civilised nation = nación civilizada.

Example: A civilized nation by his lights is one in which a chosen few get to live like kings and queens, comporting themselves as they see fit.

» comity of nations = comunidad de naciones.

Example: The dismantling of the Berlin wall and the unification of Germany will make the new Germany a much stronger economic force in the comity of nations.

» developed nation = país desarrollado.

Example: Technology transfers between developed and underdeveloped nations have been the mainstays of economic development for over 30 years.

» developing nation = país en vías de desarrollo.

Example: This manual was developed to help health workers in developing nations to teach expectant mothers about pregnancy and childbirth.

» enemy nation = nación enemiga.

Example: Letters of Marque and Reprisal were the official documents by which 18th-century governments commissioned private commercial ships, known as privateers, to act on their behalf, attacking ships carrying the flags of enemy nations.

» First Nations = Primeras Naciones, naciones originarias de Canadá .

Example: Two-spirited is a First Nations term for individuals who are considered to be neither women nor men.

» first-world nation = país desarrollado.

Example: But the real challenge to get it started is first to find the measures that can assuage the fear of the first-world nations.

» independent nation = nación independiente, país independiente.

Example: The Republic of South Sudan separated from Sudan and became an independent nation on July 9, 2011.

» industrialised nation = país industrializado.

Example: The use of electronic mail systems has mushroomed in the last 5 years in industrialised nations.

» industrial nation = país industrializado.

Example: Conservation as a profession is not valued as much in emerging economies as it is in advanced industrial nations.

» island nation = estado isleño.

Example: Micronesia is comprised of seven island nations peopled by distinctly unique cultural groups.

» League of Nations, the = Liga de las Naciones, la.

Example: Particular attention is given to relations with the League of Nations and Unesco.

» nation building = desarrollo de la identidad nacional.

Example: They promoted an ideology of 'democratic' nation building that required the Iraqi puppet regime to at least give lip service to Western 'human rights' values.

» nationhood = nacionalidad. [Carácter de nación. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: Some recent national libraries have been founded as symbols of nationhood, with either no clear mission or a clearly unattainable one.

» nation's coffers, the = erario público, el; arcas de la nación, las; arcas nacionales, las.

Example: The creative industries were growing at twice the rate of the general national economy, contributing £60 billion each year to the nation's coffers.

» nation state = estado nacional.

Example: Since Europe consists of independent nation states, only partially unified through the European Union, the development of academic and research networks has been a complex process.

» nation-state capital = capital de la nación, capital del estado.

Example: Amid all the doom and gloom in panic-stricken nation-state capitals, nowadays, something completely different may be exactly what we all need.

» nationwide [nation-wide] = nacional, en toda la nación, por toda la nación, de alcance nacional, de alcance estatal, de ámbito nacional, de ámbito estatal.

Example: Most of the packaging for cassettes provided by commercial vendors that are known nationwide is lousy, falls apart, looks bad, and so on.

» oppressive nation = nación opresora.

Example: In every oppressive nation, pro-democracy activists are working to stoke the fires of freedom, often at great personal risk.

» rainbow nation = país multicultural.

Example: Most EU countries are rainbow nations but still very `native citizen orientated'.

» sovereign nation = nación soberana.

Example: As a sovereign nation, Israel can determine for itself what's in their interest and what they decide to do relative to Iran and anyone else.

» stateless nation = nación sin estado.

Example: The term 'stateless nations' as used here is understood to mean those people who share a common heritage and distinctive culture and have a strong sense of national identity but are now subservient to other states.

» state of the nation report = informe sobre el estado de la nación.

Example: A 'state of the nation' report today reveals that less than 20% of UK organisations surveyed have a strategy in place to deal with the risk of loss or degradation to their digital resources.

» trading nation = nación comercial.

Example: The USA and the European Union (EU), as major agricultural producing and trading nations, played important roles in drawing up the agreement.

» transitional nation = nación en transición, país en transición.

Example: The author suggests an eclectic approach to library development in the transitional nations of Africa.

» tribal nation = tribu.

Example: Still another library has made arrangements with nearby Native American tribal nations to donate its weeded materials.

» underdeveloped nation = país subdesarrollado.

Example: Technology transfers between developed and underdeveloped nations have been the mainstays of economic development for over 30 years.

» United Nations peacekeeping force, the  = fuerzas de paz de las Naciones Unidas, las.

Example: The United Nations peacekeeping force in Côte d'Ivoire is to establish eight new military camps.

» United Nations Security Council = Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas.

Example: This is yet another snub to the United Nations Security Council which has imposed economic sanctions on Iran over its refusal to suspend uranium enrichment.

» United Nations, the (UN, the) = Naciones Unidas, las (ONU, la).

Example: This collection is supplemented by a wealth of material received from other inter-governmental bodies such as the United Nations (UN), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), etc..

Nation synonyms

state in spanish: estado, pronunciation: steɪt part of speech: noun land in spanish: tierra, pronunciation: lænd part of speech: noun country in spanish: país, pronunciation: kʌntri part of speech: noun commonwealth in spanish: mancomunidad, pronunciation: kɑmənwelθ part of speech: noun nationality in spanish: nacionalidad, pronunciation: næʃənæləti part of speech: noun body politic in spanish: cuerpo político, pronunciation: bɑdipɑlətɪk part of speech: noun res publica in spanish: res publica, pronunciation: reɪzpəblɪkə part of speech: noun a people in spanish: una personas, pronunciation: əpipəl part of speech: noun
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