Mole in spanish


pronunciation: toʊpoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

mole1 = topo. 

Example: Hamlet refers to his father's spirit as 'old mole,' because it roams above ground for a brief period before returning to its subterranean region.


» molehill = topera.

Example: The reduction of grazing areas by molehills is regarded by farmers as the most serious of all types of mole damage.

» moleskin = piel de topo, tela de piel de topo.

Example: Moleskin is a wonderfully comfortable, tough and hard-wearing cotton fabric that is as tough as leather but as soft as velvet to the touch.

mole2 = topo, espía. 

Example: On the one hand it is a tale of espionage and mole hunting, and on the other it is an elegiac drama of remembrance and departure.

mole3 = lunar. 

Example: The idea of cosmetic beauty spots, which would resemble moles, was that they could cover smallpox scars, a much worse defect.

Mole synonyms

bulwark in spanish: baluarte, pronunciation: bʊlwɜrk part of speech: noun groin in spanish: ingle, pronunciation: grɔɪn part of speech: noun jetty in spanish: embarcadero, pronunciation: dʒeti part of speech: noun groyne in spanish: rompeolas, pronunciation: grɔɪn part of speech: noun breakwater in spanish: rompeolas, pronunciation: breɪkwɔtɜr part of speech: noun mol in spanish: mol, pronunciation: mɔl part of speech: noun seawall in spanish: rompeolas, pronunciation: siwɔl part of speech: noun counterspy in spanish: avellana, pronunciation: kaʊntɜrspi part of speech: noun gram molecule in spanish: molécula de gramo, pronunciation: græmmɑləkjul part of speech: noun
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