Male in spanish


pronunciation: mɑskulinoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

male1 = varón, hombre, macho. 

Example: The decision has been made to use the term males instead of the term Men in the indexing of documents.


» alpha male = macho alfa.

Example: She has been telling him that he is a beta male, a subordinate figure, and must learn to become an alpha male, or leader of the pack, before the public can accept him as President.

» beta male = macho beta.

Example: She has been telling him that he is a beta male, a subordinate figure, and must learn to become an alpha male, or leader of the pack, before the public can accept him as President.

» male bonding = creación de lazos de amistad entre hombres. [Generalmente mediante el desarrollo de actividades consideradas típicas de los hombres y en las que no suelen participar las mujeres]

Example: For example, in the comic strip Bloom County, male bonding consisted primarily of sitting around in your underwear, drinking beer and watching football on TV.

» male dominated [male-dominated] = dominado por el hombre.

Example: The IT sector within libraries remained male dominated on the applications side.

» omega male = macho omega.

Example: As opposed to alpha males and beta males, omega males are the lowest of the low; they're the type of men who shirk responsibility, refuse to grow up and generally avoid participating in the real world.

male2 = masculino, varón. 

Example: A balance should be preserved between male staff and female staff.


» male chauvinism = chovinismo machista, machismo chovinista, machismo.

Example: It may be 2013, but male chauvinism is alive and well and rampant in America!.

» male colleague = compañero de trabajo.

Example: The article 'All things being equal: pay equity for library workers' shows that women still earn less than their male colleagues.

» male hormone = hormona masculina.

Example: Androgens are dubbed the male hormones mainly because males make and use more testosterone and other androgens than females.

» male librarian = bibliotecario.

Example: To the general public 'the female librarian is still angular, elderly, acidulous and terrifying', to use Geoffrey Langley's words, 'and a male librarian is impossible under any hypothesis'.

» male partner = compañero, compañero sentimental.

Example: According to custom, men are allowed to have concubines & women lack the right to refuse sex to their male partners = Según las costumbres, a los hombres se le permite tener concubinas y las mujeres no tienen derecho a negarle las relaciones sexuales a sus compañeros sentimentales.

» male supremacy = supremacía masculina.

Example: The behavior of a close relative challenges assumptions about male supremacy in human evolution.

Male synonyms

virile in spanish: viril, pronunciation: vɪrəl part of speech: adjective phallic in spanish: fálico, pronunciation: fælɪk part of speech: adjective masculine in spanish: masculino, pronunciation: mæskjələn part of speech: adjective priapic in spanish: priapico, pronunciation: praɪəpɪk part of speech: adjective manly in spanish: varonil, pronunciation: mænli part of speech: adjective manful in spanish: valiente, pronunciation: mænfəl part of speech: adjective manlike in spanish: varonil, pronunciation: mænlaɪk part of speech: adjective staminate in spanish: estaminado, pronunciation: stæməneɪt part of speech: adjective antheral in spanish: anteral, pronunciation: ænθɜrəl part of speech: adjective male person in spanish: persona masculina, pronunciation: meɪlpɜrsən part of speech: noun

Male antonyms

androgynous pronunciation: ændrɔdʒənəs part of speech: adjective female pronunciation: fimeɪl part of speech: adjective, noun female person pronunciation: fimeɪlpɜrsən part of speech: noun
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