Makings in spanish


pronunciation: pɑstɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

making = producción, fabricación. 

Example: A producer is the person with final responsibility for the making of a motion picture, including business aspects, management of the production, and the commercial success of the film.


» basket making = cestería.

Example: Osier is used for basket making and it thrives in a wet environment but the roots can pose a problem if planted too close to drains and pipes.

» be a disaster in the making = ser un desastre en potencia.

Example: What you are witnessing is a disaster in the making -- not only for Lebanon but for the United States, which stands exposed once again as a prejudiced hypocrite.

» be history in the making = hacer historia, pasar a la historia.

Example: We ask you to support what is by far the most important women's rights case in the country and be a witness to women's history in the making.

» be in the making = estar en gestación, estar gestándose, estar en ciernes, estar elaborándose.

Example: Although the physical project has taken over 8 months, it has truly been a labor of love that has been in the making for over 20 years.

» be of + Posesivo + own making = ser la propia responsabilidad de Alguien, tener la culpa de Algo que se ha causado Uno mismo.

Example: This environment is one of the library's own making and includes intangibles that cannot be measured but that are necessary for quality performance.

» bookmaking = fabricación de libros, confección de libros.

Example: Excavation in Qumran suggests that the people were organised on a highly communal basis and adept in the art of pottery and bookmaking.

» bookmaking = correduría de apuestas.

Example: The income helped support illegal gambling, bookmaking, loan sharking, and labor rackets in northern Ohio.

» cabinet-making = ebanistería.

Example: Originally published around 1900, this is an exhaustively detailed guide to cabinet-making and woodwork for the amateur craftsmen.

» carriage-making plant = fábrica de carruajes.

Example: Its first real economic stirrings occurred, however, in the early 1800s, when a cotton mill and a carriage-making plant began operations.

» casemaking [case-making] = fabricación de tapas.

Example: In 1843 this prestigious bindery had a rolling press, two cloth-embossing machines, and three arming presses, but folding, gathering, sewing, rounding and backing, ploughing, casemaking, and casing-in were all carried out by hand.

» casemaking machine = máquina de fabricar tapas.

Example: Machines were developed for carrying out these remaining processes between 1856 and 1903, all of them American in origin: case-making machines (1891-5); gathering machines (1900-3); and casing-in machines (1903).

» cringe-making = horripilante, bochornoso, vergonzoso.

Example: It is cringe-making to go into a bookshop and ask the sales assistant for pornography.

» decision making [decision-making] = toma de decisiones.

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS may replace the typewriter, the catalog card, and much leg work, but it cannot replace the decision-making capabilities of the library staff.

» decision making system = sistema de apoyo a la toma de decisiones.

Example: The role of computer-based information systems has evolved from focusing on data (transaction processing systems) and information (management information systems) to focusing on decision (decision support systems) and coordination (distributed decision-making systems).

» dressmaking = costura, confección de prendas de vestir.

Example: Another activities organized by the library are comic, jigsaw, knitting and dressmaking swap shops.

» epoch-making = que marca un hito, que hace época.

Example: This project on electronic document delivery using radio links, if successful, could be epoch-making for third world libraries.

» film making [filmmaking] = cinematografía, producción cinematográfica.

Example: Principles used in film making are drawn on heavily to classify navigational techniques applied to the searching of multimedia data bases.

» film making industry, the = industria del cine, la; industria cinematográfica, la.

Example: This article examines some serious problems which are seen to be facing the publishing, record production, broadcasting, and film making industries in the UK because of outdated copyright laws.

» funmaking = diversión.

Example: This annual event brings the whole community together for a full night of funmaking.

» grant-making = que concede becas, que concede subsidios.

Example: Its main purpose is to help people applying to grant-making foundations for funds = Su principal objetivs es ayudar a la gente a solicitar dinero a fundaciones que conceden becas.

» have + (all) the makings of = tener todo lo que se necesita para, estar abocado a.

Example: Add to that the fact that I've been feeling shitty for days and you have the makings of major drama.

» have + (all) the makings of = estar hecho para, tener madera de, tener pasta de.

Example: Ann's well-bred black colt is now two years old, and in her eyes, has all the makings of a champion.

» history-making = histórico, que hace historia.

Example: One sees the weakness of the church and concludes that it is impossible for this anemic body to be a history-making force.

» informed decision making = toma de decisiones fundadas, toma de decisiones con conocimiento de causa.

Example: Change will only come about when informed decision making becomes a societal norm.

» law-making [lawmaking/law making] = confección de leyes, legislación.

Example: Community law-making is characterized by almost continuous consultation with member states and interested third parties.

» mapmaking = elaboración de mapas.

Example: Studies are currently underway concerning the feasibility of turning the mapmaking function of the US Geological Survey (USGS) over to the private sector.

» matchmaking = casamentero, celestino.

Example: A matchmaking boat cruise open only to male millionaires and 'good-looking and desirable' women is slated to set sail later this month.

» meaning making = dar sentido a las cosas.

Example: The most important factor in literary acculturation is the peer group process of meaning making.

» merrymaking = algarabía, jolgorio, parranda, juerga.

Example: In Shakespeare's plays, the killjoy serves as a foil against which the joy of merrymaking and festivity can shine.

» model-making = elaboración de maquetas.

Example: Things like the following should be included on the program: play-making; model-making on book-related topics, writing and illustrating stories, poems, etc = Se deberían incluir las siguientes actividades en el programa: representaciones teatrales, elaboración de maquetas sobre temas de libros, redacción e ilustración de relatos, poemas, etc.

» money-making = lucrativo, rentable, para hacer dinero.

Example: Few booksellers regard their shops simply as money-making enterprises: they believe good bookshops are at least as much a cultural necessity as the public libraries.

» music-making = práctica de música.

Example: The municipal library stocks 5,000 scores emphasising domestic music-making.

» newsmaking = el mundo de las noticias.

Example: This article studies how news library staff and editorial staff in a large metropolitan daily newspaper perceive the contribution of the news library to newsmaking.

» non-profit making = no comercial, no lucrativo, sin fines lucrativos, sin ánimo de lucro.

Example: SWALCAP is a non-profit making organisation based at the University of Bristol.

» paper-making [papermaking] = fabricación de papel, confección de papel.

Example: The supply of best-quality white rags for paper-making had always been precarious, and bleaching enabled the more abundant coloured and second-quality rags to be made into acceptable writing and printing papers.

» paper-making machine = máquina continua de papel. [Sustituo mecánico de la tina de hacer papel a mano que produce una cinta de papel sin interrupción]

Example: The early paper-making machines were dependent, as the hand vats had been, upon linen and (when they became available) cotton rags as their chief source of raw material.

» pastry-making = repostería, pastelería.

Example: Only a few ingredients are needed to make all types of pastry and once the techniques and secrets to good pastry-making have been learnt.

» peacemaking [peace-making] = mediación en un conflicto, resolución de conflictos.

Example: The study loses track of its argument at times and drifts off into analyses of the peacemaking process that are not relevant.

» play making [play-making] = representación teatral.

Example: Things like the following should be included on the program: play-making; model-making on book-related topics, writing and illustrating stories, poems, etc = Se deberían incluir las siguientes actividades en el programa: representaciones teatrales, elaboración de maquetas sobre temas de libros, redacción e ilustración de relatos, poemas, etc.

» policy making [policy-making/policymaking] = elaboración de políticas, confección de políticas, fijación de políticas, determinación de políticas.

Example: The locus of government policy making has been shifted to the Ministry of Research and Technology.

» profit-making = generador de ingresos, comercial, con fines lucrativos.

Example: Many types of budgets are not really applicable to libraries, since libraries are not primarily profit-making institutions.

» quilt-making = enguatado.

Example: Their choices of local historical architecture and traditional quilt-making spiraled out to include photography, historical fiction, and quilted pillows, which were eventually exhibited at city hall.

» remaking [re-making] = remodelación, transformación, conversión. 

Example: The article 'The remaking of librarians in the knowledge era' details some of the efforts made to 'remake' the collection, advertise library services and rebuild membership.

» revenue-making = generador de ingresos.

Example: The revenue-making services are glamorous, and their magic mists the fundamental democratic perspective of the free public library.

» room for music-making = habitación para practicar con instrumentos musicales.

Example: Facilities include 2 rooms for music-making, a recording studio, an audio centre and organisation of public concerts.

» rulemaking [rule-making] = formulación de leyes, creación de leyes, elaboración de leyes, normalización.

Example: Rulemaking of this kind goes to the heart of the notion of the nation state as a sovereign entity.

» sense-making = dar sentido a las cosas.

Example: Messages which users receive from the products of their culture contain information which aids in the sense-making process.

» standards-making = normalización, normativo.

Example: OSI is a de jure standard, formally approved by an official standards-making body and often having the status of a law or treaty.

» steelmaking [steel making] = fabricación de acero, fundición de acero.

Example: This is a project to incinerate an estimated 700, 000 tonnes of toxic sludge created as a byproduct of a century of steelmaking.

» the making or undoing of = la salvación o perdición de.

Example: Education, child-bearing and food are intricately linked and could prove to be the making or undoing of Africa's development.

» trouble-making = camorrista, pendenciero, provocador.

Example: There I was sitting at the bar staring at my drink when a large, trouble-making biker steps up next to me, grabs my drink and gulps it down in one swig.

» winemaking = vinicultura, vitivinicultura, enología, enotecnia, producción de vino, elaboración de vinos.

Example: This new machine will bring winemaking and winemakers in Australia into line with the type of technology being used by major bottlers around the world.
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