Magnetic in spanish


pronunciation: mɑgnetikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

magnetic1 = magnético. 

Example: The whole record on the card may be made by magnetic dots on a steel sheet if desired, instead of dots to be observed optically.


» electromagnetic = electromagnético.

Example: The optical fibre cable contributes to this better performance by using a nonelectrical mode of transmission, which leaves it unaffected by electromagnetic disturbances.

» generate + magnetic field = generar un campo magnético.

Example: They should never be exposed to the magnetic fields which can be generated by a variety of devices, including fluorescent desk lights, fans and even piezo-electric lighters!.

» magnetic alarm sticker = pegatina magnética detectora.

Example: Other methods include closed-access storage of audio-visual materials, or the use of magnetic alarm strips or stickers.

» magnetic alarm strip = tira magnética detectora.

Example: Other methods include closed-access storage of audio-visual materials, or the use of magnetic alarm strips or stickers.

» magnetic bubble memory = memoria de burbujas magnéticas.

Example: Magnetic bubble memories may become the greatest competitors to floppy disk drives.

» magnetic disc = disco magnético.

Example: The file media on which they are stored are the physical storage media, e.g. magnetic disc or tape, and the physical arrangement of records on the storage media is distinct from the user's logical perception of records.

» magnetic energy = energía magnética.

Example: In a recent paper she has studied certain problems of the dissipation of magnetic energy when an ionized gas moves in a magnetic field.

» magnetic field = campo magnético.

Example: They should never be exposed to the magnetic fields which can be generated by a variety of devices, including fluorescent desk lights, fans and even piezo-electric lighters!.

» magnetic memory = memoria magnética.

Example: However, once these human decisions have been entered into the system we should be able to use its magnetic memory to assist us in guaranteeing that we don't, in the future, create logical inconsistencies.

» magnetic recording = grabación magnética.

Example: Magnetic recording is the technology used in recording, storing and reproducing information in digital format, a technology used in audio and video recording and for mass storage in computers.

» magnetic resonance = resonancia magnética.

Example: Magnetic resonance is primarily used in medical imaging to visualise the structure and function of the body.

» magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) = imagen por resonancia magnética (IRM), representación óptica por resonancia magnética.

Example: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to study the female sexual response and the male and female genitals during coitus.

» magnetic security tag = banda antirrobo magnética.

Example: Theft is probably unavoidable, but can be limited through use of magnetic security tags and by slightly defacing covers with hole punches or library stamps.

» magnetic sign = letrero magnético. [Letreto que se fija a una superficie metálica por medio de imanes]

Example: Three 'sandwich boards' are placed outside the van at each stop and four magnetic signs are stuck on the exterior to describe the range of subjects covered.

» magnetic strip = banda magnética. [Trozo de cinta magnética que se inserta en los libros como dispositivo antirrobo]

Example: One such method requires that each book has a magnetic strip inserted into the spine and a special exit door is fitted across which an electric signal is beamed.

» magnetic stripe = banda magnética.

Example: They are embedded in a plastic card that looks like a traditional magnetic stripe credit card.

» magnetic tape = cinta magnética. [Tipo de soporte de información en forma de cinta impregnado con un material magnético que permite almacenar información en forma de señales magnéticas]

Example: Both UKMARC and UNIMARC comply with ISO 2709, the international standard for bibliographic record interchange on magnetic tape.

» magnetic tape drive = lector de cinta magnética.

Example: A magnetic tape drive might transfer data to and from the processor at 20,000 characters per second.

» magnetic wire = hilo magnético.

Example: Today we record conventionally by writing and photography, followed by printing; but we also record on film, on was disks, and on magnetic wires.

magnetic2 = atractivo. 

Example: It is the duty of the library staff to make the institution magnetic.

Magnetic synonyms

attractive in spanish: atractivo, pronunciation: ətræktɪv part of speech: adjective charismatic in spanish: carismático, pronunciation: kerɪzmætɪk part of speech: adjective attractable in spanish: atraible, pronunciation: ətræktəbəl part of speech: adjective magnetized in spanish: magnetizado, pronunciation: mægnɪtaɪzd part of speech: adjective

Magnetic antonyms

geographic pronunciation: dʒiəgræfɪk part of speech: adjective geographical pronunciation: dʒiəgræfɪkəl part of speech: adjective nonmagnetic pronunciation: nɑnməgnetɪk part of speech: adjective antimagnetic pronunciation: æntiməgnetɪk part of speech: adjective
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