pronunciation: mɑnikoʊmioʊ
part of speech: noun
madhouse = siquiátrico, manicomio, casa de los locos, loquero, casa de locos, jaula de grillos.
Example: In the book, Romania is a madhouse filled with the handicapped, deaf mutes, and stutterers.
Madhouse synonyms
in spanish: algarabía,
pronunciation: bedləm
part of speech: noun
in spanish: sanatorio,
pronunciation: sænətɔriəm
part of speech: noun
in spanish: caserío,
pronunciation: nʌthaʊs
part of speech: noun
booby hatch
in spanish: escotilla,
pronunciation: bubihætʃ
part of speech: noun
loony bin
in spanish: manicomio,
pronunciation: lunibɪn
part of speech: noun
crazy house
in spanish: casa loca,
pronunciation: kreɪzihaʊs
part of speech: noun
funny farm
in spanish: granja divertida,
pronunciation: fʌnifɑrm
part of speech: noun
funny house
in spanish: casa divertida,
pronunciation: fʌnihaʊs
part of speech: noun