Machinery in spanish


pronunciation: mɑkinɑɹ̩iɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

machinery = maquinaria, sistema, engranaje. 

Example: We can choose to turn our backs on these principles with fatuous arguments which posit their anachronism and the nonexistent intelligence of computing machinery.


» computer machinery = equipo informático.

Example: 158 public organisations with very diverse computer machinery formed a combine to develop an application which would make the database available on the organisations' different computer systems. = 158 instituciones públicas con equipos informáticos muy diversos crearon un grupo para desarrollar una aplicación que hiciera que la base de datos estuviese disponible en sus diferentes sistemas informáticos.

» folding machinery = máquinas plegadoras.

Example: From the printers' point of view the most important innovations in the binderies were guillotines and powered folding machinery.

» heavy machinery = maquinaria pesada.

Example: Exports of manufacturing goods to former communist countries have declined sharply, but exports to the European Community across an array of goods -- including heavy machinery -- have grown robustly.

» hydraulic machinery = maquinaria hidráulica.

Example: Pressure valves are absolutely critical for the safe, reliable and precise control of hydraulic machinery.

» party machinery = aparato del partido.

Example: This shows how easily Republican Party machinery can be captured by a well-organized religious power group.

» textile machinery = maquinaria textil.

Example: This article describes the structure and functioning of this system for information on selected groups of textile machinery.
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