Laying in spanish
pronunciation: tendidoʊ part of speech: noun

lay4 = Tiempo pasado del verbo lie (yacer). [Véase éste y sus derivados para los distintos significados]
Example: When I saw what he was up to, I drew back for a punch and hit him so hard on the nose that he fell on his back and lay there for some time, so that his wife stood over him and cried out 'Mercy! You've done my husband in!'.lay5 = poner. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio laid]
Example: By such mutual assistance, the wits and endeavours of the world may no longer be as so many scattered coals, or firebrands, which, for want of union are soon quenched, whereas, being but laid together, they would have yielded a comfortable light and heat.more:
» blame + lay + at the feet of + Nombre = culpa + echar a + Nombre.
Example: The blame could be laid squarely at the feet of R. Boyce Garschine.» inlay = incrustar, taracear.
Example: The external walls of the mausoleum are decorated with geometric mosaics, calligraphic inscriptions, and floral patterns, created by inlaying white marble into the red sandstone.» kill + the goose that lays the golden egg(s) = matar la gallina de los huevos de oro.
Example: If we keep increasing taxes we will kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.» lay + a finger on = ponerle la mano encima a, tocarle un pelo a, maltratar, tocar.
Example: That's why he's in prison for the rest of his life when he never laid a finger on the victims -- he was the general who ordered his troops into battle.» lay + a rumour to rest = acallar un rumor.
Example: The family's physician finally laid the rumors to rest by giving a press conference at which he attested to the candidate's excellent physical and mental health.» lay away = comprar a plazos apartando el producto.
Example: Any retail seller which permits consumers to lay away consumer goods will provide a written statement of the terms and conditions of the agreement = Cualquier comercio que permita a los consumidores comprar a plazos apartando los productos les proporcionará un documento escrito de las condiciones del acuerdo.» lay away = apartar, poner a un lado.
Example: The weather forecast warned of a severe storm, so we laid away a generous supply of bottled water and canned food just in case = El pronóstico del tiempo advirtió de que se acercaba una gran tormenta, así que, por s acaso, apartamos un abundante suministro de agua embotellada y comida enlatada.» lay + a whammy on = echar el mal de ojo.
Example: But if you call them by the name of the thing they are impersonating, you can lay a whammy on them.» lay + bare = revelar, descubrir, dejar al descubierto, poner de manifiesto.
Example: The aim of this article is to lay bare the causes of this state of affairs.» lay before = poner delante de.
Example: The books may simply be laid before the librarian as they are found, 'dumped in his lap', as one writer puts it.» lay + bricks = poner ladrillos.
Example: It was a huge space with hundreds of workers, some digging ditches, some mixing cement, some laying bricks and one chiseling a piece of marble into a statue.» lay + claim(s) to = reclamar, reivindicar, pretender.
Example: If librarians would calmly and publicly and increasingly lay claim to this area as their professional domain, they would gradually bring about the change in attitude that many desire to see.» lay down = formular, establecer, sentar, fijar.
Example: He was the son of a bricklayer who laid down as early as 1859 that 'the assistance of readers in their researches' is one of the duties that 'have daily to be provided for' in ordinary public libraries.» lay down = poner, fijar.
Example: A table is set up in a classroom, books are laid out on it by pupil 'shop assistants' supervised by a rota of teachers, and regular opening hours are laid down and adhered to.» lay down + a standard = establecer una norma.
Example: Although each CAB (Citizens' Advice Bureau) is independent, they must be members of the National Association of Advice Bureaux (NACAB), which lays down certain minimum standards for the registration of bureaux.» lay down + features = establecer características.
Example: The promulgation of Community law represents the culmination of an often tortuous legal process whose main features are laid down in the Treaty of Rome.» lay down + Posesivo + life = dar la vida, entregar la vida.
Example: True, we do have our unselfish heroes, men who willingly have laid down their lives for others, the wholly unselfish mother, the man who will step aside for the benefit of others.» lay down + Posesivo + arms = deponer las armas.
Example: No doubt it would be better if all sides were to lay down their arms together at once.» lay down + rules for = establecer reglas para.
Example: This article presents the text of the guidelines which lay down rules for the organisation of union libraries.» lay down + the law = imponer autoridad.
Example: In principle he is correct but who else can lay down the law to prevent the disgusting antics we saw in Goa?.» lay + eggs = poner huevos.
Example: In part one, chapter 11, Gerald states that the characteristic that makes some of these birds different from others is that they do not mate or lay eggs.» lay + emphasis on = poner énfasis en, destacar.
Example: Her article lays emphasis on some of the concerns that are important to the continued development of effective information policies.» lay + evidence before = presentar las pruebas ante.
Example: That this is a statement of fact may count for nothing: in effect, the librarian may be obliged lay evidence before the enquirer, accompanied by a convincing explanation.» lay + eyes on = ver, fijarse, prestar atención.
Example: Perhaps Giovanni should have trusted his instincts when he laid eyes on Rappaccini as the scientist tended to his perverse garden.» lay + flat = colocar en sentido horizontal, tumbar.
Example: Some libraries have horizontal map chests where maps are laid flat in drawers.» lay + foundation = sentar las bases, poner las bases.
Example: Central practices are highlighted and should lay a firm foundation for more advanced studies.» lay + great store on = conceder mucha importancia a.
Example: Neighbourhood advice centres lay great store on their accessibility, both in terms of location and style of operation.» lay + in place = colocar.
Example: Finally gold leaf was laid in place over the blind impressions, and fixed into them with further impressions of the hot tools, surplus gold being rubbed off.» lay + interest with = prestar antención a.
Example: Our interest has lain with indexing practices rather than with search procedures.» lay into = arremeter contra, abalanzarse sobre, lanzarse sobre, emprenderla(s) a golpes con.
Example: How anyone can get a buzz from laying into someone is beyond me; it's not nice to see it happen - too many times have I seen people beaten up over nothing.» lay it on + thick = pasarse, excederse, pasarse tres pueblos, pasarse de la raya, recargar las tintas, cargar las tintas, irsele a Uno Algo de las manos.
Example: When I met him he was laying it on thick with compliments, and I thought it was 'cause he was drinking.» lay it on with + a trowel = pasarse, excederse, pasarse tres pueblos, pasarse de la raya, recargar las tintas, irsele a Uno Algo de las manos.
Example: Cousteau definitely had a flair for showmanship, and he really lays it on with a trowel in this documentary.» lay + Nombre + aside = apartar, poner a un lado, dejar a un lado.
Example: If a book does not yield immediate pleasure they tend to lay it aside.» lay + Nombre + aside = apartar, dejar a un lado.
Example: Although the work was almost completed in 1863, he laid it aside and only finished it in 1868.» lay + Nombre + aside = ahorrar, guardar.
Example: I worked long enough to receive my annual bonus and laid it aside to pay expenses for our future baby.» lay + Nombre + low = pasar a mejor vida. [Morir]
Example: All three were published posthumously, for her lifelong illness finally laid her low in 1894; she was only 32.» lay + Nombre + low = abatir, prostrar, debilitar, desanimar, derribar, poner fuera de combate, dejar fuera de combate.
Example: She suffered frequent flare-ups of widespread inflammation that would lay her low for days on end.» lay + Nombre + to rest = enterrar, acabar, finalizar.
Example: A New Orleans style funeral provided a humorous backdrop for library staff to relive the tragedies and successes of the old system as it was laid to rest.» lay off = despedir.
Example: I've been sitting here wondering how best to select the people to be laid off.» lay on = imponer.
Example: Those are, as I said in another context, monickers that were laid on them by ignorant and, I would say, mean-minded authors for their own purposes.» lay on = colocar, poner.
Example: Machine-made paper, provided that it was dry, could be laid on with sufficient accuracy for register to be made with no more ado than adjustment of the forme for the second run.» lay on = servir. [Referido generalmente a comida]
Example: I enjoyed seeing everyone so happy sharing their stories and tucking into the food and drink we laid on for the 40 or so people who had come.» lay out = presentar, poner, disponer, distribuir, colocar.
Example: There should be plenty of space to lay out all the books attractively and for people to move about without feeling too crowded.» lay out in + stages = escalonar, distribuir de un modo escalonado.
Example: These goals are presented in some kind of time frame, with the ultimate goals being in the future, and specific objectives for achieving the goals laid out in stages.» lay out on = poner.
Example: A table is set up in a classroom, books are laid out on it by pupil 'shop assistants' supervised by a rota of teachers, and regular opening hours are laid down and adhered to.» lay + Posesivo + cards on the table = poner las cartas sobre la mesa, poner las cartas boca arriba, hablar claro, hablar a calzón quitado.
Example: Thirdly, he is the only candidate to have laid his cards on the table with a sound, sensible and viable exit strategy from this awful quagmire in Iraq.» lay + Posesivo + hands on = encontrar, averiguar.
Example: It is, therefore, expedient to look into history to lay hands on the root of the problem.» lay + Posesivo + hands on = posar las manos sobre, poner la manos sobre, tocar, conseguir.
Example: She would lay her hands on my head and the pain, dizziness & nausea would dissipate.» lay + Posesivo + neck on the block = arriesgar la vida, jugarse la vida, poner en peligro la vida, jugarse la piel, jugarse el pellejo, jugarse el tipo.
Example: That means that he is foolish enough to lay his neck on the block for someone else and that he is a weak-willed man.» lay + Reflexivo + open to = hacerse vulnerable a.
Example: When it employs methods and instruments of Western science then it begins to lay itself open to the same criticisms as 'Western science'.» lay + siege to = sitiar, poner cerco a, cercar.
Example: Syrian tanks laid siege to a defiant town in the centre of the country yesterday.» lay + stress on = enfatizar, poner énfasis en.
Example: The Academy is always at the centre of every intellectual activity and lays stress on its interest in Virgilian studies.» lay + the basis for = sentar las bases, poner las bases.
Example: The library can lay the basis for lifelong independent learning through library use instruction.» lay + the blame at + Posesivo + door = culpar a, culpabilizar a, echarle la culpa a, achacar la culpa a, cargar la culpa a.
Example: Although our goalkeepers let it two goals, no blame could and should be laid at their door.» lay + the blame on = culpar a, culpabilizar a, echarle la culpa a, achacar la culpa a, cargar la culpa a.
Example: And he lay the blame for the attack fair and square on the shoulders of the US president George W. Bush and the French president.» lay + the groundwork for = sentar las bases de Algo, preparar el terreno.
Example: But if the groundwork for these accomplisments can be laid with patient, constructive efforts, that contribution is more important than presiding over the final act.» lay + the seeds = plantar la semilla.
Example: He warns America not to make the same mistakes as the world made in the 1930s, when the world economy spiraled out of control, laying the seeds for the rise of fascism.» lay + the table = poner la mesa.
Example: If it's not your turn to cook, you can lie in front of the log-burning stove, before laying the table.» lay + waste = arrasar, asolar, devastar, causar estragos, hacer estragos, destruir, desolar.
Example: The mutilation of periodicals is laying waste to vital and expensive periodical collections in all kinds of library across the USA, and it seems to strike academic libraries with particular virulence.» mislay = perder, extraviar. [Pasado y participio: mislaid. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: Workflow systems automate business processes, such as the management of a housing benefit claim, to ensure all tasks are completed on time and no information can be lost or mislaid.» overlay = recubrir, revestir, superponer, seguir, estar por encima de, subyacer. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio overlaid]
Example: There may be a very flexible communication system that overlays the administrative structure, or there may be a fairly rigid pattern of communication that adheres to the administrative lines of authority.laying = colocación.
Example: Due to their lighter weight optical-fibre cables can be suspended to form aerial cables in the rugged countryside of Wales where the laying of ducts would be prohibitively expensive.more:
» bricklaying = albañilería, mampostería.
Example: As an introduction to bricklaying, we discribe how to build a simple garden wall.» egg-laying = ponedor, ponedor de huevos.
Example: An egg-laying mammal thought extinct for nearly 50 years has been rediscovered on the island of New Guinea.» egg-laying = puesta, puesta de huevos, desove.
Example: Among the best studied behaviors is egg-laying, the process by which hermaphrodites deposit developing embryos into the environment.» laying hen = gallina ponedora.
Example: I'm wondering what the going price for a good laying hen in your area is.» laying of bricks = poner ladrillos.
Example: Just as Ivan finds that by taking pleasure in the laying of bricks as his day's work, he makes survival possible and beats Stalin and his jailors at heir own game.