Lard in spanish

Manteca de cerdo

pronunciation: mɑntekɑdeθeɹ̩doʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

lard1 = manteca, manteca de cerdo. 

Example: Lard and suet are suitable for shortcrust and flaky pastry, used with butter or margarine.


» fat lump of lard = gordo, foca, gordiflón.

Example: This brand new book is going to turn you from a useless fat lump of lard into a tender caring, satisfying, lover for the woman you love.

lard2 = condimentar, sazonar, aderezar. 

Example: This film is really just a series of throwaway skits that the director and scriptwriter attempt to lard with parody and freaky fantasy.

Lard synonyms

pad in spanish: almohadilla, pronunciation: pæd part of speech: noun embellish in spanish: embellecer, pronunciation: ɪmbelɪʃ part of speech: verb aggrandize in spanish: engrandecer, pronunciation: əgrændaɪz part of speech: verb dramatize in spanish: dramatizar, pronunciation: drɑmətaɪz part of speech: verb embroider in spanish: bordar, pronunciation: ɪmbrɔɪdɜr part of speech: verb blow up in spanish: explotar, pronunciation: bloʊʌp part of speech: verb dramatise in spanish: dramatizar, pronunciation: dræmətaɪz part of speech: verb
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