Kisser in spanish


pronunciation: besɑdoʊɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

kisser1 = persona que besa. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: Like any skill, becoming a good kisser takes practice.


» arse-kisser = lameculos, chupaculos, pelota. [También escrito ass-kisser]

Example: You're a bit of an arse-kisser and have rather strange taste.

» ass-kisser = lameculos, chupaculos, pelota. [También escrito arse-kisser]

Example: He's such an ass-kisser that he once told a Jewish audience that as a kid he wished to grow up Jewish.

kisser2 = morro, hocico, jeta. 

Example: Unfortunately this time things did not go to plan and Neymar got smacked in the kisser.

Kisser synonyms

countenance in spanish: rostro, pronunciation: kaʊntənəns part of speech: noun mug in spanish: jarra, pronunciation: mʌg part of speech: noun visage in spanish: rostro, pronunciation: vɪzədʒ part of speech: noun physiognomy in spanish: fisonomía, pronunciation: fɪʒənjoʊmi part of speech: noun smiler in spanish: smiler, pronunciation: smaɪlɜr part of speech: noun osculator in spanish: osculador, pronunciation: ɑskjəleɪtɜr part of speech: noun
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