King in spanish


pronunciation: rei part of speech: noun
In gestures

king = rey. 

Example: If only every chair could be a throne and hold a king or a queen.


» a king's ransom = una fortuna, un dineral.

Example: Everybody believes that you have to pay surgeons a king's ransom because their intervention saves your life.

» be king = dominar.

Example: Despite the electronics invasion, books are still king, and book fairs keeps on growing every year.

» be more royalist than the king = ser más papista que el Papa.

Example: In other cases, these groups unhesitatingly side with the United States and, in effect, become more royalist than the king.

» fit for a king = digno de (un) rey.

Example: One model in particular caught my eye: a sleigh fit for a king -- literally!.

» in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king = en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey.

Example: As the saying goes, in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

» in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king = en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey.

Example: As the old saying goes, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

» in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king = en el país de los ciegos el tuerto es el rey.

Example: Another less talked about reason for the strength in the dollar right now is as the old saying goes 'In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king'.

» king of sports, the = deporte rey, el.

Example: Horse racing may be the sport of kings, but soccer is the king of sports.

» king of the castle = dueño y señor.

Example: Seafood is king of the castle here, with a wide choice of crab, shrimp, lobster, fish and squid dishes.

» king of the roost = amo del corral, amo del gallinero.

Example: Ten years ago Yahoo was king of the roost.

» kingpin = cerebro, cabecilla, líder.

Example: Adam Urbanski is kingpin of a new breed of union leaders who want to be partners, not adversaries, in the school improvement crusade = Adam Urbanski es el cabecilla de una nueva generacion de dirigentes sindicales que quieren unirse, y no oponerse, a la cruzada por la mejora de las escuelas.

» kingpin = elemento esencial.

Example: The fifth chapter discusses depression as the kingpin of suicidal smoke signals.

» king prawn = langostino.

Example: At the same time, clean the artichokes, cut off the stem and hard leaves, and quarter and fry them gently along with the king prawns and mushrooms.

» king-size(d) = súper grande, supergrande, enorme, descomunal, colosal.

Example: Walking down the aisle signifies the beginning of your new life, so celebrate your wedding with a king-size cake.

» live like + a king = vivir como un rey, vivir a cuerpo de rey, vivir como un marqués, vivir como un príncipe.

Example: This is a country where the ruler lives like a king while the citizens live like beggers do.

King synonyms

power in spanish: poder, pronunciation: paʊɜr part of speech: noun mogul in spanish: magnate, pronunciation: moʊgəl part of speech: noun baron in spanish: barón, pronunciation: bærən part of speech: noun tycoon in spanish: magnate, pronunciation: taɪkun part of speech: noun magnate in spanish: magnate, pronunciation: mægnət part of speech: noun world-beater in spanish: mejor del mundo, pronunciation: wɜrldbitɜr part of speech: noun martin luther king in spanish: Martin Luther King, pronunciation: mɑrtənluθɜrkɪŋ part of speech: noun business leader in spanish: líder de negocios, pronunciation: bɪznəslidɜr part of speech: noun male monarch in spanish: monarca masculino, pronunciation: meɪlmɑnɑrk part of speech: noun big businessman in spanish: gran hombre de negocios, pronunciation: bɪgbɪznəsmæn part of speech: noun top executive in spanish: alto ejecutivo, pronunciation: tɑpɪgzekjətɪv part of speech: noun

King antonyms

queen pronunciation: kwin part of speech: noun queen regnant pronunciation: kwinregnənt part of speech: noun female monarch pronunciation: fimeɪlmɑnɑrk part of speech: noun
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