Kindly in spanish


pronunciation: ɑmɑblemente part of speech: adverb
In gestures

kindly1 = amablemente, afablemente. 

Example: Acknowledgements: the author wishes to acknowledge her debt to the authors of the literature that has gone before, and also to the various persons and organisations that have kindly permitted the reproduction of their work.


» look (up)on + Nombre + kindly = ver con buenos ojos, mirar con buenos ojos.

Example: After what she'd done to him this day, she doubted if any man, friend or foe, would look upon her kindly.

» take + kindly to = no tomárselo bien, no caer bien, no hacer ninguna gracia, no ver con buenos ojos.

Example: Although microcomputers are relatively robust, they do not take kindly to frequent moves from one location to another, particularly on wheeled trollies.

» unkindly = cruelmente.

Example: Very many SLIS were able to demonstrate a great deal of IT-related re-training endeavour; 're-treading of old tyres' one respondent rather unkindly put it.

kindly2 = amable, cariñoso. 

Example: Natasha continued to lean out of the window for a long time, beaming at him with her kindly, slightly quizzical, happy smile.

Kindly synonyms

good in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: gʊd part of speech: adjective kind in spanish: tipo, pronunciation: kaɪnd part of speech: noun benign in spanish: benigno, pronunciation: bɪnaɪn part of speech: adjective benevolent in spanish: benevolente, pronunciation: bənevələnt part of speech: adjective sympathetic in spanish: simpático, pronunciation: sɪmpəθetɪk part of speech: adjective charitable in spanish: Caritativo, pronunciation: tʃærətəbəl part of speech: adjective benignant in spanish: benigno, pronunciation: benɪgnənt part of speech: adjective openhearted in spanish: de corazón abierto, pronunciation: oʊpənhɑrtɪd part of speech: adjective good-hearted in spanish: de buen corazón, pronunciation: gʊdhɑrtɪd part of speech: adjective

Kindly antonyms

unkindly pronunciation: ənkaɪndli part of speech: adverb
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