Keenness in spanish


pronunciation: ɑgudeθɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

keenness = entusiasmo. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: The conviction that books are important and a keenness to share them with others are fundamental qualities in any librarian = La convicción de que los libros son importantes y el entusiasmo por compartirlos con otros son cualidades fundamentales en cualquier bibliotecario.

Keenness synonyms

acuity in spanish: agudeza, pronunciation: əkjuəti part of speech: noun avidity in spanish: avidez, pronunciation: əvɪdəti part of speech: noun eagerness in spanish: afán, pronunciation: igɜrnəs part of speech: noun acuteness in spanish: agudeza, pronunciation: əkjutnəs part of speech: noun sharpness in spanish: nitidez, pronunciation: ʃɑrpnəs part of speech: noun avidness in spanish: avidez, pronunciation: əvɪdnəs part of speech: noun

Keenness antonyms

dullness pronunciation: dʌlnəs part of speech: noun dulness pronunciation: dʌlnəs part of speech: noun bluntness pronunciation: blʌntnəs part of speech: noun
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