Kale in spanish

col rizada

pronunciation: koʊlriθɑdɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

kale = col rizada. 

Example: Kale is a member of the cabbage family, and is an excellent source of vitamin C, beta carotene, chlorophyll, and manganese.


» curly kale = col rizada.

Example: The wonderful thing about growing curly kale, a member of the mustard family, is that it keep growing slowly in the winter and is very hardy.

Kale synonyms

bread in spanish: un pan, pronunciation: bred part of speech: noun dough in spanish: masa, pronunciation: doʊ part of speech: noun pelf in spanish: vil metal, pronunciation: pelf part of speech: noun loot in spanish: botín, pronunciation: lut part of speech: noun, verb cabbage in spanish: repollo, pronunciation: kæbədʒ part of speech: noun cole in spanish: col, pronunciation: koʊl part of speech: noun lucre in spanish: lucro, pronunciation: lukɜr part of speech: noun moolah in spanish: Moolah, pronunciation: mulə part of speech: noun dinero in spanish: dinero, pronunciation: dɪneroʊ part of speech: noun gelt in spanish: gelt, pronunciation: gelt part of speech: noun shekels in spanish: plata, pronunciation: ʃekəlz part of speech: noun kail in spanish: Kail, pronunciation: keɪl part of speech: noun borecole in spanish: borecole, pronunciation: bɔrkoʊl part of speech: noun colewort in spanish: Colewort, pronunciation: koʊlwɜrt part of speech: noun brassica oleracea acephala in spanish: brassica oleracea acephala, pronunciation: brəsikəɑlɜreɪsiəsefələ part of speech: noun
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