Journalist in spanish


pronunciation: peɹ̩ioʊdistɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

journalist = periodista. 

Example: From time to time librarians do catch a fleeting glimpse of how others see them when some journalist or academic does articulate this widespread phobia.


» ex-journalist = ex-periodista, antiguo periodista.

Example: 'Shit Happens' in the story of two flatmates: Halifax, a ex-journalist with a dark past and long lost ex-wife, and Shakra, a college-drop out bent on Halifax's destruction = "A veces las cosas salen mal" es la historia de dos compañeros de piso: Halifax, un experiodista con un pasado oscuro y con una exesposa que no ve desde hace mucho, y Shakra, un compañero de universidad obcecado en la destrucción de Halifax .

» hack journalist = gacetillero.

Example: A borrowing of a non-fiction book could be the autobiography of a near-illiterate footballer ghosted by a hack journalist.

» photo journalist = fotógrafo.

Example: She found himself in trouble after a tiff with photo journalists during the shoot of a film.

» sports journalist = periodista deportivo.

Example: Some sports journalists stick with one employer, and thus one form of media, while others freelance.

» video journalist = periodista reportero de imágenes, reportero de imágenes.

Example: This shaggy-haired 27-year-old Burmese video journalist is considered a public enemy by his country's military junta.

» war journalist = corresponsal de guerra, reportero de guerra.

Example: Given these facts, it is surprising that until recently, no research was directed at exploring the psychological health of war journalists.

Journalist synonyms

diarist in spanish: diarista, pronunciation: daɪerɪst part of speech: noun diary keeper in spanish: encargado del diario, pronunciation: daɪɜrikipɜr part of speech: noun
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