John in spanish


pronunciation: xuɑn part of speech: noun
In gestures

John = Juan. 

Example: In Matthew's gospel, when Jesus comes to John to be baptised, John hesitates, as he feels unworthy.


» John Doe = fulano, mengano, zutano, perengano, anónimo, desconocido. [Nombre ficticio usado preferentemente en los Estados Unidos para referirse a un hombre desconocido o del que se quiere ocultar su identidad generalmente por motivos judiciales]

Example: A woman in Texas believes her missing brother may be a John Doe who has been in a nursing home on life support for the past 14 years.

» john mule = mulo, mulo macho.

Example: John mules must be gelded or they will act and breed like a stallion.

» john, the = roca, retrete, váter, meadero.

Example: Indy was supposed to have a huge fight scene using his whip, but a bout of dysentery had left him weak and desperately needing the john.

» (Saint) John the Baptist = San Juan Bautista.

Example: The title of the article is 'From John the Baptist to knee replacements: the use of online in schools' = El título del artículo es "Desde San Juan Bautista hasta la prótesis de rodilla: el uso de la información en línea en las escuelas".

» (Saint) John the Evangelist = San Juan Evangelista.

Example: Commonly called Saint John the Evangelist because of his authorship of the fourth and final gospel, he is one of the most frequently mentioned disciples in the New Testament.

John synonyms

can in spanish: puede, pronunciation: kæn part of speech: noun, verb facility in spanish: instalaciones, pronunciation: fəsɪlɪti part of speech: noun privy in spanish: privado, pronunciation: prɪvi part of speech: noun, adjective toilet in spanish: baño, pronunciation: tɔɪlət part of speech: noun lavatory in spanish: lavabo, pronunciation: lævətɔri part of speech: noun bathroom in spanish: baño, pronunciation: bæθrum part of speech: noun lav in spanish: lavar, pronunciation: læv part of speech: noun whoremonger in spanish: pionero, pronunciation: hɔrməndʒɜr part of speech: noun st john in spanish: san Juan, pronunciation: seɪntdʒɑn whoremaster in spanish: mayordomo, pronunciation: wɔrmæstɜr part of speech: noun john lackland in spanish: john lackland, pronunciation: dʒɑnlæklənd part of speech: noun saint john in spanish: San Juan, pronunciation: seɪntdʒɑn part of speech: noun gospel according to john in spanish: Evangelio según Juan, pronunciation: gɑspələkɔrdɪŋtudʒɑn part of speech: noun saint john the apostle in spanish: san juan el apóstol, pronunciation: seɪntdʒɑnðəəpɑsəl part of speech: noun
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