Jock in spanish


pronunciation: xoʊkk part of speech: noun
In gestures

jock1 = suspensorio. 

Example: A beefy man in a jock will always get my attention.


» jock itch = tiña inguinal, tiña crural, tinea cruris.

Example: Jock itch occurs when a type of fungus grows and spreads in the groin and it affects mostly adult men and teenage boys.

» jockstrap = suspensorio. [También abreviado como jock]

Example: This is the Internet's largest selection of jockstraps -- athletic supporters that can be worn for just about any sport or physical activity.

jock2 = musculitos. [Término generalmente usado despectivamente para referirse a un deportista que tiene más músculo que cerebro]

Example: For decades, every high school nerd has at least been able to cling to the fact that even though jocks might be more popular, at least they're stupid.

Jock synonyms

athlete in spanish: atleta, pronunciation: æθlit part of speech: noun
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