Jargon in spanish


pronunciation: xeɹ̩gɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

jargon = jerga, lenguaje técnico. 

Example: Thus popular or common names of subjects are included in preference to technical or specialist jargon.


» subject jargon = jerga de una disciplina.

Example: Ambiguity depends upon the background of the readers, but abbreviations, acronyms, trade names and subject jargon are all potentially confusing.

Jargon synonyms

vernacular in spanish: vernáculo, pronunciation: vɜrnækjəlɜr part of speech: noun cant in spanish: hipocresía, pronunciation: kænt part of speech: noun slang in spanish: argot, pronunciation: slæŋ part of speech: noun argot in spanish: argot, pronunciation: ɑrgət part of speech: noun patois in spanish: dialecto, pronunciation: pətɔɪs part of speech: noun lingo in spanish: jerga, pronunciation: lɪŋgoʊ part of speech: noun jargoon in spanish: jengibre, pronunciation: dʒɑrgʊn part of speech: noun
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