Jade in spanish


pronunciation: xɑde part of speech: noun
In gestures

jade = jade. 

Example: She has created a database that can be used to identify bogus pre-Columbian jade, crystal, and other stone artifacts.

Jade synonyms

wear in spanish: vestir, pronunciation: wer part of speech: verb, noun hack in spanish: cortar, pronunciation: hæk part of speech: noun, verb weary in spanish: cansado, pronunciation: wɪri part of speech: adjective fatigue in spanish: fatiga, pronunciation: fətig part of speech: noun plug in spanish: enchufe, pronunciation: plʌg part of speech: noun tire in spanish: neumático, pronunciation: taɪɜr part of speech: noun pall in spanish: féretro, pronunciation: pɑl part of speech: noun nag in spanish: rocín, pronunciation: næg part of speech: noun fag in spanish: maricón, pronunciation: fæg part of speech: noun hussy in spanish: desvergonzada, pronunciation: hʌsi part of speech: noun colored in spanish: de colores, pronunciation: kʌlɜrd part of speech: adjective strumpet in spanish: ramera, pronunciation: strʌmpət part of speech: noun chromatic in spanish: cromático, pronunciation: kroʊmætɪk part of speech: adjective outwear in spanish: desgastar, pronunciation: aʊtwer part of speech: verb adulteress in spanish: adúltera, pronunciation: ədʌltrəs part of speech: noun wear out in spanish: desgastar, pronunciation: weraʊt part of speech: verb fornicatress in spanish: fornicatress, pronunciation: fɔrnɪkətrəs part of speech: noun wear down in spanish: desgastar, pronunciation: werdaʊn part of speech: verb jadestone in spanish: piedra de jade, pronunciation: dʒeɪdstoʊn part of speech: noun tire out in spanish: cansar, pronunciation: taɪɜraʊt part of speech: verb fag out in spanish: maricón, pronunciation: fægaʊt part of speech: verb jade green in spanish: Jade verde, pronunciation: dʒeɪdgrin part of speech: noun wear upon in spanish: usar sobre, pronunciation: werəpɑn part of speech: verb loose woman in spanish: mujer perdedora, pronunciation: luswʊmən part of speech: noun jade-green in spanish: Jade verde, pronunciation: dʒeɪdgrin part of speech: adjective

Jade antonyms

refresh pronunciation: rɪfreʃ part of speech: verb freshen pronunciation: freʃən part of speech: verb refreshen pronunciation: rɪfreʃən part of speech: verb
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