Jacket in spanish


pronunciation: tʃɑketɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

jacket1 = chaqueta, chaleco. 

Example: First, I should make it clear that I have not provoked him in any way: my skirts are always far below my knees and I usually wear a jacket.


» casual jacket = cazadora, campera.

Example: Urban looks are right on trend this season and this casual jacket channels it perfectly.

» dinner jacket = traje de etiqueta, frac, traje de frac, chaqué, esmoquin, smoking.

Example: The dinner jacket emerged from an era when it was considered proper for upper-class men to dress formally for the evening meal.

» jacket potato = patata asada rellena.

Example: Jacket potatoes are a healthy and cheap meal and can be livened up with lots of different toppings.

» leather jacket = chaqueta de piel, chaqueta de cuero.

Example: That was also the conference where we presented her with a leather jacket ... it was a great time.

» life jacket = chaleco salvavidas.

Example: Boaters enjoy the feel of sun and spray and so it's tempting to boat without wearing a life jacket -- especially on nice days.

» potato jacket = piel de patata asada.

Example: Suggestions included eating potato jackets rather than disposing of peelings and saving bread leftovers for stuffing.

» reflecting traffic jacket = chaleco reflectante.

Example: When he looked through his window he saw two coarse man in reflecting traffic jackets barricade the entrance to the dunes with large rocks.

» smoking jacket = batín.

Example: Smoking jackets have declined in popularity since the 1950s, though a minority of wearers still exists.

» sports jacket = cazadora, chaqueta sport, americana.

Example: A sports jacket is one of the most versatile pieces of clothing to take along on a trip.

» straitjacket = camisa de fuerza, encorsetamiento, corsé, restricciones, limitaciones.

Example: He wanted nothing to do with the straitjacket of guidelines and so-called standards = Él no quería tener nada que ver con el encorsetamiento que imponen las directrices y los "presuntos" estándares.

» traffic jacket = chaleco reflectante.

Example: I would happily wear a traffic jacket often but it is just too bulky and hot unless the weather is frightful!.

jacket2 = sobrecubierta, funda. [Envoltorio para un documento o grupo de documentos que físicamente se puede separar del documento y que suele publicarse al mismo tiempo que el documento]

Example: A jacket or sleeve is a protective envelope for a sound disc, made of cardboard or paper.


» book jacket = sobrecubierta, funda. [Envoltorio para un documento o grupo de documentos que físicamente se puede separar del documento y que suele publicarse al mismo tiempo que el documento]

Example: The printed wrappers of paper or the like placed over the cover of a document at the time of its publication are known as the book jacket.

» dust jacket [dust-jacket] = sobrecubierta, funda. [Envoltorio para un documento o grupo de documentos que físicamente se puede separar del documento y que suele publicarse al mismo tiempo que el documento]

Example: Whoever cataloged it at LC, and I'm willing to bet it happened elsewhere too, probably didn't get much beyond the dust jacket where there was a big clue about something special to the book.

» jacket blurb = presentación de la sobrecubierta. [Nota introductoria escrita por una persona diferente del autor que aparece en la sobrecubierta de un libro, normalmente el doblez delantero]

Example: If these aspects of a book have been highlighted by the title, subtitle, table of contents, or jacket blurb, they may be reflected in the subject headings or classification numbers assigned when the work is cataloged.

» paper jacket = funda de papel.

Example: However, the usual protection for a mid-nineteenth-century cloth-bound book -- if it had any -- was a plain paper jacket, sometimes cut with a window to show the lettering on the spine, and it was not until the 1880s that printed dust-jackets became common.

» plastic jacket = funda de plástico.

Example: Most libraries now use plastic jackets on hard book covers and either laminate paperbacks or use one of the slip-on plastic jackets specially designed for paperbacks.

Jacket synonyms

jacket crown in spanish: corona de la chaqueta, pronunciation: dʒækətkraʊn part of speech: noun
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