Ism in spanish
pronunciation: ismoʊ part of speech: noun

-ism = ismo. [Lista de palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: Fighting isms is like chasing a phantom: What is it? Who is it? Where is it? Why is it?.more:
» ableism = capacitismo.
Example: These two examples illustrate how society's pervasive negative attitude about disability -- which I term ableism -- often makes the world unwelcoming and inaccessible for people with disabilities.» abolitionism = abolicionismo.
Example: Except for a narrative on peace, all the others have historical roots in the nineteenth century and include selections on utopian socialism, penal reform, and abolitionism.» absenteeism = absentismo, ausentismo.
Example: Inadequate compensation leads to poor performance, absenteeism, excessive turnover, grievances, and strikes.» abstentionism = abstencionismo.
Example: Abstentionism differs from an election boycott in that abstentionists participate in the election itself.» academicism = academicismo.
Example: Closely linked to this technicist disease is the trap of academicism.» activism = activismo.
Example: Social activism is neither the library's role nor the librarian's professional role.» agroterrorism = agroterrorismo.
Example: This paper includes selected Web sites providing information on: terrorism in general; bioterrorism; agroterrorism, nuclear terrorism; and travel-related issues.» albinism = albinismo.
Example: Hunted for body parts and isolated by fear, Tanzanians with albinism have found safe futures with the help of Sister Martha.» alcoholism = alcoholismo, alcoholemia.
Example: Right and left parentheses must be balanced; for example, '(alcoholism or (alcohol or drug) abuse) literature'.» alpinism = alpinismo.
Example: The present study investigates the main differences between the following four mountain disciplines: free-climbing, alpinism, speleology and ski jumping.» altruism = altruismo.
Example: Of course, the notion of service, though appealing to our altruism, also does have less attractive connotations of deference and, at worst, inferiority.» amateurism = amateurismo, falta de profesionalidad.
Example: The title of the article is 'On egotism, amateurism, masochism, narcissism, sadism, masturbation and flagellation in African bibliography'.» Americanism = americanismo.
Example: If you use Americanisms just to show you know them, people may find you a tad tiresome, so be discriminating.» anabolism = anabolismo.
Example: This article provides an in-depth description of what metabolism is and how anabolism and catabolism can affect a person's body weight.» anachronism = anacronismo.
Example: The subsequent use of multiple entries made the concept of the main entry a anachronism.» anarchism = anarquismo.
Example: The second part, Sociology, including Socialism, Communism and Anarchism, was published in an unrevised cumulation as the fourth edition, 1981.» animalism = animalismo.
Example: We see ourselves as so advanced and civilized that a grotesque subversion of this into animalism shows us in an essentially tragic light.» animism = animismo.
Example: In this sense animism is the theory proposed by some evolutionists to account for the origin of religion.» antagonism = antagonismo, oposición, rivalidad.
Example: The influx of large numbers of Spanish-speaking people has brought to the surface feelings of antagonism on the part established residents, who feel threatened by the 'encroachment' of 'have-nots' into their neighborhoods.» anthropomorphism = antropomorfismo.
Example: The author uses metaphorical personification (anthropomorphism) as an aid to describing and understanding the complexities of computing technologies.» anti-Americanism = antiamericanismo.
Example: But in Europe, there is an anti-Americanism that is at once casual, but can also be insidious.» antiquarianism = especialidad del anticuario.
Example: What survived was a tiny remnant, sometimes, to judge from the binding, a relic of earlier antiquarianism.» aphorism = aforismo.
Example: There is a university library in the United States which has carved over its front entrance this aphorism: 'The half of knowledge is knowing where to find it'.» asceticism = asceticismo.
Example: The schedules at 291.42, Religious experience, have the scope note: 'Mysticism, conversion, asceticism, self-discipline'.» astigmatism = astigmatismo.
Example: The demands on vision made by reading may affect visual acuity (nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism).» atavism = atavismo.
Example: This book uses a variety of religious and ancient source texts to trace stories of atavism, interracial marriage, and the interracial family as tropes of nationhood.» atheism = ateísmo.
Example: The main library has produced in machine readable form thesauri on: economics; philosophy and sociology; linguistics; history; Orientalism and atheism.» athleticism = atletismo, agilidad.
Example: A crowd-pleaser at any tournament, Didrikson played to the gallery with wisecracks and displays of athleticism.» authoritarianism = autoritarismo.
Example: Librarians seemed to feel that they enjoyed a mandate from God to enlighten the immigrant and went about their various tasks in a spirit of authoritarianism that reminds one of the 'moral stewardship' of an earlier generation of librarians.» autism = autismo.
Example: This method, applied to articles on autism, has provided results that support this hypothesis.» automatism = automatismo.
Example: Automatisms consist of involuntary but coordinated movements that tend to be purposeless and repetitive.» barbarism = barbarismo, salvajismo, barbarie, incultura.
Example: The article is entitled 'Barbarism is the absence of standards: applying standards to untangle the electronic jumble'.» bicameralism = bicameralismo.
Example: Bicameralism is an essential and defining feature of a classical republic.» bilingualism = bilingüismo.
Example: The article 'Bilingualism in Welsh libraries' advocates a written policy of equal opportunity for Welsh language users for all libraries in Wales.» bioterrorism = bioterrorismo.
Example: This paper includes selected Web sites providing information on: terrorism in general; bioterrorism; agroterrorism, nuclear terrorism; and travel-related issues.» Bolshevism = bolchevismo, bolcheviquismo.
Example: Bolshevism and Menshevism were the two main branches of Russian socialism from 1903 until the consolidation of the Bolshevik dictatorship under Lenin in the civil war of 1918-20.» boosterism = promoción desmesurada, publicidad desmesurada.
Example: All newspapers tread a fine line between boosterism and journalism.» botulism = botulismo.
Example: The potential threat posed by smallpox, anthrax, botulism and other biological toxins has meant that terrorism is no longer just a vague threat.» Briticism = expresión típica de Gran Bretaña.
Example: In addition it should include frequently encountered abbreviations and acronyms, idiomatic expressions, technical terminology, neologisms, nonstandard speech, Briticisms and Canadianisms.» bruxism = bruxismo.
Example: Teeth grinding is clinically referred to as bruxism.» Buddhism = budismo.
Example: By using parenthesis, the ambiguity can be eliminated; for example, Christianity in relation to (Buddhism in India) versus (Christianity in relation to Buddhism) in India.» Canadianism = expresión típica del Canadá.
Example: In addition it should include frequently encountered abbreviations and acronyms, idiomatic expressions, technical terminology, neologisms, nonstandard speech, Briticisms and Canadianisms.» cannibalism = canibalismo, antropofagia.
Example: The book focuses on images where hideous atrocities -- e.g., murder, blasphemy, wanton destruction and even cannibalism -- are shown to be part of the daily life of the common people of Paris during the revolution.» capitalism = capitalismo.
Example: In 'Religion and the rise of capitalism' Tawney traces the relationship between modern ideas of commerce in a materialistic society and the absolute standards set by Christianity.» careerism = ambición profesional.
Example: The present crisis of careerism versus liberal arts is a blessing in disguise, forcing humanities faculty to adjust their teaching and thinking to basic questions of value and use.» catabolism = catabolismo.
Example: This article provides an in-depth description of what metabolism is and how anabolism and catabolism can affect a person's body weight.» catechism = catecismo.
Example: In England from 1586 until 1637 edition quantities were limited by decree to 1,500 copies of ordinary books, or 3,000 copies of books in small type and of small books such as catechisms.» Catholicism = catolicismo.
Example: Religious publishing is flourishing in all areas, including Catholicism, Buddhism, Judaism, Sufism, Taoism and Evangelicalism.» charlatanism = charlatanería.
Example: Simon's work is fascinating as a piece of charlatanism, as a text it is a dull read.» chauvinism = chovinismo.
Example: And what I'm trying to suggest is that there's something shameful about a profession that has allowed this kind of blatant and rank ethnocentrism, racism, chauvinism, the whole schmier, to persist this long.» civism = civismo.
Example: For them, it will be the taxpayers at the end of the day who will have to bear the cost of their lack of civism and responsibility.» classicism = clasicismo.
Example: This book analyzes the mix of classicism and medieval revivalism in Gherardesca's architecture.» classism = clasismo.
Example: Much of what is obviously wrong with America can be attributed to classism.» collectivism = colectivismo.
Example: This article outlines that one of the important aspects of developing the international exchange of publications is to mobilise the collectivism of research personnel.» colonialism = colonialismo.
Example: The article is entitled 'The classification of literature in the Dewey Decimal Classification: the primacy of language and the taint of colonialism' = El artículo se titula "La clasificación de la literatura en la Clasificación Decimal de Dewey: la primacía del lenguaje y el daño del colonialismo".» commensalism = comensalismo.
Example: In ecology, commensalism is an interaction between two living organism, where one creature benefits and the other is neither harmed nor helped.» commercialism = comercialismo.
Example: A greater level of commercialism has also emerged in the publishing industry.» communism = comunismo.
Example: The narrative is a parable of anticommunism in the McCarthy era where the town council tries to remove a book on communism from the library.» communitarianism = comunitarianismo.
Example: The six sets are labelled: dogma, naturalism, cultural relativity, constructivism, postmodernism, and communitarianism.» comparativism = comparativismo.
Example: In general, however, the author's approach to his comparative method -- that comparativism is out of vogue -- is rather parochial.» conservatism = conservadurismo.
Example: In spite of its inherent conservatism, the BM code favours direct entry.» constitutionalism = constitucionalidad.
Example: They believed in the 'inevitability of stratification, necessity of aristocracy, importance of religion and morality, sanctity of property, unwisdom of majority rule, urgency of constitutionalism, and folly of all attempts at social and economic leveling'.» constructionism = construccionismo.
Example: The theories of learning discussed here are based on two alternative approaches: constructionism versus instructionism.» constructivism = constructivismo.
Example: The principles of learner centredness and constructivism provided the bases for the design of synchronous activities such as student moderated seminars in this study.» consumerism = consumismo.
Example: As part of an imported culture libraries may be associated with influences undermining traditional values and self-confidence and with the propagation of negative values such as consumerism.» contextualism = contextualismo.
Example: The author suggests that action to alleviate information inequity should be guided by the principles of contextualism, incrementalism, and motivation of information users.» conventionalism = convencionalismo.
Example: Standard methods for justifying legal norms generate an unsatisfactory conflict between Platonism, positivism, and conventionalism.» corporatism = corporativismo.
Example: The author examines its impact on the publishing process focusing on the following the advent of corporatism and the growth of wholesaling.» cosmopolitanism = cosmopolitismo.
Example: This article addresses the issue of localism versus cosmopolitanism in librarianship, and the often conflicting positions in which librarians find themselves.» counter-terrorism = contraterrorismo.
Example: In addition to general resources, it covers bioterrorism; counterterrorism; cyberterrorism; domestic preparedness and response; Islam; law; Middle East; September 11, 2001; and weapons of mass destruction.» cretinism = cretinismo.
Example: Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism).» criticism = crítica, comentario crítico.
Example: The main criticism of the notation that has been voiced in that the notation for more specific subjects can be extremely long.» cronyism = amiguismo.
Example: A viable science base requires a commitment to excellence and imagination that is incompatible with rigidity and cronyism.» cubism = cubismo.
Example: Different movements in art are briefly covered, and examples of artists of that period are offered: Dadaism, impressionism, pointillism, expressionism, cubism, surrealism, and neoprimitivism.» cyberfeminism = ciberfeminismo.
Example: By looking at the work of some cyberfeminists, the author attempts to give a clearer picture of key debates and strands of thought in cyberfeminism.» cyberterrorism = ciberterrorismo, terrorismo cibernético.
Example: In addition to general resources, it covers bioterrorism; counterterrorism; cyberterrorism; domestic preparedness and response; Islam; law; Middle East; September 11, 2001; and weapons of mass destruction.» cynicism = cinismo.
Example: This article argues against the cynicism within and without the profession that youth is not a priority.» Dadaism = dadaísmo.
Example: Different movements in art are briefly covered, and examples of artists of that period are offered: Dadaism, impressionism, pointillism, expressionism, cubism, surrealism, and neoprimitivism.» deconstructionism = deconstructivismo.
Example: However, only certain philosophies are deemed relevant to social scientific inquiry; linguistic theory & deconstructionism are identified as inutile.» deconstructivism = deconstructivismo. [En la crítica literaria, teoría que intenta negar el significado normal de los conceptos y favorecer otro tipo de interpretaciones. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: The author presents 3 different text theories in order to explain what is meant by text, i.e. pragmatics, structuralism and deconstructivism = El autor presenta tres teorías diferentes sobre los textos para explicar qué se entiende por texto, es decir, la pragmática, el estructuralismo y el deconstructivismo.» defeatism = derrotismo, abandonismo, entreguismo.
Example: In everyday use, defeatism has negative connotation, and is often linked to treason and pessimism.» denialism = negacionismo.
Example: There is a great deal of overlap between pseudoscience and denialism, for the denialist often rationalizes his/her position with pseudoscience and the pseudoscientist often must defend his/her position by denying established science.» determinism = determinismo.
Example: Such facilities to manipulate data may be expected to imbue the process of IR with a measure of that determinism or verifiability which is a characteristic of data base management systems.» didacticism = moralización.
Example: Because books are so often used as a means of instruction, of fact-finding and didacticism, children too often come to suppose that this is the sole nature and purpose of all books.» dogmatism = dogmatismo.
Example: Their expressed concern is far more with his remoteness, unresponsiveness, lack of sympathy, glibness, or dogmatism.» dualism = dualismo.
Example: As a consequence of the dualism of the research library and the public library different organisational schemes developed in the urban library system, which are characterised here in detail.» dwarfism = enanismo.
Example: A new research has determined that the wiener dog's stubby little legs hold a clue to both human dwarfism and evolution as a whole.» dynamism = dinamismo.
Example: The dynamism of a continent-wide free society drawn from many strains depended on more people having access to more knowledge to be used in more ways = El dinamismo de una sociedad continental libre compuesta de muchas razas dependía de que un mayor número de personas tuviera acceso a un mayor conocimiento para que se utilizara de más formas diferentes.» eclecticism = eclecticismo.
Example: Users also exhibited dramatic eclecticism in their reading.» ecologism = ecologism.
Example: The paper accounts for the need to differentiate between ecology as a science and ecologism which is an ideology born out of a 'flirt' of ecology with philosophy.» ecotourism = ecoturismo. [Consulta la entrada "eco" para ver otras palabras que empiezan por esta abreviatura. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: Some forms of wildlife utilization, particularly ecotourism and photographic safaris, will certainly complement the national and international commitment to biodiversity conservation.» ecumenism = ecumenismo.
Example: This article questions the practical and economic feasibility of the continued use of a special classification for Catholic books in the light of the movement toward universal bibliographic control and the ongoing climate of ecumenism.» egalitarianism = igualitarismo.
Example: Despite the egalitarianism of recent years, children associate anger with maleness and happiness and sadness with femaleness.» egoism = egoísmo.
Example: This complex issue is analyzed in terms of 3 schools of moral theory: Self interest (or egoism); Utilitarianism; and Respect for Persons (or Kantian theory).» egotism = egoísmo.
Example: This article presents a decalogue of a librarian's faults: a library for the benefit of librarians; a library for the benefit of the management; a drive to obtain new technology at all costs; egotism of departments; egotism of libraries; dictatorship instead of management; working 'in silence'; putting on blinkers; laissez-faire; and wasteful use of time, people and resources.» electromagnetism = electromagnetismo.
Example: However, some subjects have very lengthy names -- eg electromagnetism -- and sometimes subjects cannot be expressed by a word but need a phrase.» elitism = elitismo.
Example: That is a kind of, I would submit, bibliothecal arrogance on our part, a kind of intellectual elitism, if you will.» emotionalism = emotividad, sentimentalismo.
Example: On several occasions he was witness to the sights and sounds of Balzac's emotionalism, including tantrum-pitched screaming, banging fists on desks, and slamming doors.» empiricism = empirismo.
Example: She calls for an empiricism grounded in a more sophisticated theory than that previously used in the study of information and information flow.» environmentalism = preocupación por el medio ambiente.
Example: Despite the stability of the market new trends are visible, e.g. environmentalism, regionalism and specialization.» epicureanism = epicureísmo, sibaritismo.
Example: Though the modern use of the term 'epicurean' is associated with the saying, 'Eat, drink and be merry,' epicureanism did not advocate simple pursuit of bodily pleasure.» equalitarianism = igualitarismo.
Example: He was a frank elitist living in an age of rampant equalitarianism.» ergotism = ergotismo.
Example: Ergotism could be called a 'cereal killer' for its cause, ergot, comes from cereals such as rye and wheat and is quite capable of killing someone.» eroticism = erotismo.
Example: The article is entitled 'Eroticism and erotic literature - a Swedish view'.» escapism = escapismo.
Example: Some critics of romantic fiction claim that escapism can be a dangerous thing and condemn this genre for that reason.» essentialism = esencialismo.
Example: They are approaches which nevertheless retain a residual essentialism by shifting the locus of essentialism to the user or the situation respectively.» ethnocentrism = etnocentrismo.
Example: And what I'm trying to suggest is that there's something shameful about a profession that has allowed this kind of blatant and rank ethnocentrism, racism, chauvinism, the whole schmier, to persist this long.» euphemism = eufemismo.
Example: We might all easily agree that LITERATURE, IMMORAL is not particularly descriptive of, and an anachronistic euphemism for, PORNOGRAPHY.» eurocentricism = eurocentrismo.
Example: Academic libraries need shed these lingering vestiges of eurocentricism and move forward towards meaningful cultural inclusivity.» Evangelicalism = evangelismo.
Example: The conservative Protestant traditions of Fundamentalism, Evangelicalism, and Pentecostalism have few archives.» evangelism = evangelismo.
Example: The library consists of approximately 2,500 books and pamphlets covering theology, church history, evangelism, missiology, and Christianity.» exceptionalism = singularidad, particularidad, peculiaridad.
Example: The strongest support for this notion of exceptionalism comes from the evanescence and mutability of electronic documents.» exhibitionism = exhibicionismo.
Example: The article 'An exercise in archival exhibitionism' describes the display to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the University's Faculty of Medicine.» exorcism = exorcismo.
Example: It is particularly miracle healing and exorcism, however, that establishes a strong phenomenological link with traditional Indian popular religion.» exoticism = exotismo, extravagancia, rareza.
Example: The article is entitled 'Diplomatics for photographic images: academic exoticism?'.» expressionism = expresionismo.
Example: Different movements in art are briefly covered, and examples of artists of that period are offered: Dadaism, impressionism, pointillism, expressionism, cubism, surrealism, and neoprimitivism.» extremism = extremismo.
Example: Not providing such public space is likely to lead to a spiral towards greater extremism, and violence, among the supporters of such groups.» factionalism = faccionalismo.
Example: If factionalism prevails, some groups exploit resources to the detriment of other groups.» fallibilism = falibilismo.
Example: Fallibilism is the philosophical doctrine that absolute certainty about knowledge is impossible, or at least that all claims to knowledge could, in principle, be mistaken.» fanaticism = fanatismo.
Example: Careful reasoning can inoculate us against religious fanaticism and political doublespeak.» fascism = fascismo.
Example: He maintains that racism is a site in which older forms of oppression and social exclusion, particularly fascism, have chosen to hibernate.» fatalism = fatalismo.
Example: Collectivism & fatalism were not significantly associated with substance use.» federalism = federalismo.
Example: This article attributes the Americans' accomplishments to political and cultural reasons such as the progressive tradition of service to the community; federalism that allowed for higher tax bases in certain localities; professional concerns such as status-anxieties.» feminism = feminismo.
Example: This article considers the role of feminism in the library profession with particular regard to the work done by the American Library Association to improve the lot of women librarians.» fetishism = fetichismo.
Example: This article discusses the perceived malaise which besets the field in terms of fundamentalism, xenophobia, censorship, fetishism, feminism, genetic inbreeding and social activism.» feudalism = fedualismo.
Example: Hence, 'capitalism' is thought to have naturally emerged once the 'unnatural' fetters of feudalism were broken.» formalism = formalismo.
Example: This article sketches a general interdisciplinary research effort in information retrieval which would take into account the methodologies, formalisms, and/or findings from natural language processing and linguistic theory.» frugivorism = frugivorismo.
Example: Frugivorism is the way to go definitely, and fasting, and herbs in tea also exposition to the four elements (sun, air, earth, water).» fruitarianism = frutarianismo, frugivorismo.
Example: I read this article a couple months ago when I was looking into fruitarianism and was alarmed the downsides.» funambulism = funambulismo. [Arte de caminar la cuerda floja. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: This tightrope teaches the basics of funambulism, developing concentration, balance, and coordination skills as you traverse a 10 foot long tightrope.» functionalism = funcionalismo.
Example: He was an social anthropologist associated with what has become known as functionalism, in which he put forward the idea that questions concerning the origins, stages and law of development in culture are subordinate or secondary to discernment of functions.» fundamentalism = fundamentalismo.
Example: This article discusses the perceived malaise which besets the field in terms of fundamentalism, xenophobia, censorship, fetishism, feminism, genetic inbreeding and social activism.» futurism = futurismo.
Example: Futurism has long been recognized as an important and influential artistic movement.» galvanism = galvanización.
Example: The first experiments in galvanism for printing, the electro-deposition of metal on to a mould in order to make a printing surface, were made in England and in Russia in 1839.» gangsterism = gangsterismo.
Example: Libraries can play a role in countering social problems such as gangsterism, delinquency, illiteracy and vagrancy.» generalism = generalización.
Example: The author examines the debate on specialism as opposed to generalism as it relates to the training of librarians.» Gothicism = goticismo.
Example: This is a guide to 'all things concerned with literary Gothicism and supernaturalist literature'.» heathenism = paganismo.
Example: If 90% of US citizens are opposed to the ignominy of heathenism, us ten-percenters are unlikely to make much headway.» hedonism = hedonismo.
Example: His system exhibits a number of similarities with classical hedonism and is in large measure subject to the same criticisms that have been aimed at hedonistic principles.» henotheism = henoteísmo, monolatría.
Example: This belief is not monotheism, the belief in only one God, but henotheism, the belief in a host of deities with only one who is to be worshiped.» hermaphrodism = hermafrodismo, hermafroditismo.
Example: The fact is that hermaphrodism is a genetic defect, not a separate sex, and maleness and femaleness are not social inventions but imbedded in DNA.» heroism = heroísmo.
Example: I think that the so-called average person often exhibits a great deal of heroism in getting through an ordinary day.» heterosexism = postura ideológica en contra de la homosexualidad.
Example: This article looks at attitudes barriers such as homophobia and heterosexism which some librarians experience.» Hinduism = hinduismo.
Example: In this section we have presented translations of many ancient scriptures of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism and other eastern religions.» hirsutism = hirsutismo, exceso de vello. [Generalmente debido a cuestiones hormonales. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: Hirsutism in women is the growth of hair in a typical male distribution.» historicism = historicismo.
Example: An attempt is made to explain why, of all people Popper ever criticized for historicism, Charles Darwin alone was singled out for exoneration.» holism = holismo.
Example: The author first offers a definition of holism and then proposes a meaning for holistic information delivery systems for youth.» hooliganism = gamberrismo, vandalismo.
Example: Some tentative connections are made between these phenomena of violent conduct & contemporary issues, such as 'vandalism' & 'hooliganism'.» humanism = humanismo.
Example: As far as he was concerned Taylor's methods comported well with the principles of humanism.» hypnotism = hipnotismo.
Example: If you have then constructed a compound class number by subdividing 615.851 by the concept hypnotism you should have arrived at 615.851:159.962.» hypothyroidism = hipotiroidismo.
Example: Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism).» idealism = idealismo.
Example: Puberty, he describes as 'dreamy and sentimental' and though this may seem a far cry from the teenagers we would recognize that adolescence brings an awakening of emotions, idealism and commitment to a romantic ideal.» imperativism = imperativismo.
Example: The article is entitled 'The perilous allure of moral imperativism'.» imperialism = imperialismo.
Example: Now it is easy to realize this because they no longer stand for living controversies: Kipling's brand of imperialism and Shaw's brand of revolutionary socialism are both things of the past.» impersonalism = impersonalidad.
Example: Such women exhibit personality characteristics of low self-esteem, passivity, impersonalism, and submissiveness.» impressionism = impresionismo.
Example: For instance, in reproduction of Renoir's work under the subject impressionism, Renoir's works would not stand together in the catalog but be spread out according to their titles.» incrementalism = incrementalismo.
Example: The author suggests that action to alleviate information inequity should be guided by the principles of contextualism, incrementalism, and motivation of information users.» indifferentism = indiferentismo.
Example: Different answers -- ranging from theism, through fatalism, pantheism, atheism, & indifferentism -- were given to the direct question: 'What is God for you, regardless of whether you are believer?'.» individualism = individualismo.
Example: Librarians must examine more closely the values defining community and individualism in a changing society.» industrialism = industrialismo, industrialización.
Example: Gerould College, a co-educational undergraduate institution, is located on the outskirts of a peaceful, hideaway village in the Northeast, far from the rumbling tempo of industrialism.» infantilism = infantilismo.
Example: Previous investigation has shown that in certain cases of infantilism the amount of nitrogen in the urine is low.» initialism = inicial.
Example: These recommendations specify the presentation of numbers, acronyms, and initialisms in headings and references.» institutionalism = institucionalismo.
Example: As the authors of this book suggest, the time has come for a reevaluation of the utility of new institutionalisms for the study of educational organizations.» instructionism = instruccionismo.
Example: The theories of learning discussed here are based on two alternative approaches: constructionism versus instructionism.» intellectualism = intelectualismo.
Example: He was a rebel and an anti-establishment standard-bearer of intellectualism and internationalism.» interactionism = interaccionismo.
Example: The author presents the dualistic philosophy of psychophysical interactionism as something for library education to consider.» interculturalism = interculturalismo, interculturalidad.
Example: We librarians and to deal with these issues and the best way is through interculturalism and not through racial, xenophobic, homophobic, sexual, nationalist, or any other kind of discrimination.» internationalism = internacionalismo.
Example: Standards pose unique problems, e.g., internationalism, and the need for detailed indexing, cross-referencing, translation, and updating.» interventionism = intervencionismo.
Example: The author examines the role of state interventionism & the character of the new productivism of emerging world order.» isolationism = aislacionismo.
Example: Beginning in the 1990s, however, attempts to overcome such isolationism became more and more visible.» Jainism = jainismo. [Religión practicada en la India que cree que el alma nunca muere sino que se reencarna hasta alcanzar su perfección, que es cuando se libera. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: The Jain Academy has also been recently established in Leicester to further the study of Jainism.» jihadism = yihadismo.
Example: A sense of injustice, and not religious fervour, is the main motivator for people joining militant jihadism.» jingoism = jingoísmo, patriotería.
Example: Librarians should ensure that the principles they stand for are not swept away on a tide of technological jingoism.» journalism = periodismo.
Example: In an authority list, the terms, whether descriptors or non-descriptors, may be single words (e.g., Hosiery, journalism, Lingerie), or phrases of two or three words (e.g., Electric meters, Electric power plants, Joy and sorrow).» Judaism = judaísmo.
Example: Thus, it is affirmed that, for example, a book on the sociology of the jews should go in class 301 with sociology and not at 296, the number for Judaism.» legalism = legalismo.
Example: Legalism and pragmatism were the intellectual stalking horses that contributed most to the victory of economic interest over human concerns in this case.» Leninism = leninismo.
Example: Some say that Leninism is the application of Marxism to the conditions that are peculiar to the situation in Russia.» liberalism = liberalismo.
Example: During the 1st period, 1895-1912, American liberalism was in full cry, the basic idea being to improve the level of knowledge among the masses and thus aid the development of society.» localism = localismo.
Example: This article addresses the issue of localism versus cosmopolitanism in librarianship, and the often conflicting positions in which librarians find themselves.» magnetism = magnetismo.
Example: We can see that heat, light, sound, electricity and magnetism can be grouped with various other basic classes to form a group of subjects which we call physics.» managerialism = gestionismo. [Término despectivo usado para referirse a la introducción del concepto de 'gestión' en las bibliotecas y que se considera como estratagema de los gobiernos de derechas para reducir el gasto público. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: The term 'managerialism' is used disparagingly by many public sector professionals to describe recent organisational changes in public services, often associated with right wing policies aimed at weakening the role of both professionals and trade unions in order to cut costs.» mannerism = manierismo, gesticulación, gesto.
Example: Videotaping is an excellent way to see oneself as others do, but observation of others also can be helpful in minimizing one's own distracting or offensive mannerisms.» Mannerism = manierismo.
Example: Mannerism was an art style that focused on the human form, depicted in intricate poses and in exaggerated, not always realistic settings.» Maoism = maoísmo.
Example: Maoism takes the egalitarian principle to its ultimate conclusion: not only are all men considered equal, but they must act equal.» Marxism = marxismo.
Example: It is exactly this kind of Byzantine discussion what has converted Marxism in a new Scholasticism.» Marxism-Leninism = marxismo-leninismo.
Example: Moreover, Marxism-Leninism became somewhat of a new religion to many, strictly following its rules as if they were holy commandments.» masochism = masoquismo.
Example: The title of the article is 'On egotism, amateurism, masochism, narcissism, sadism, masturbation and flagellation in African bibliography'.» materialism = materialismo.
Example: Information science seems to understand neither the formalism of information nor the materialism of science.» McCarthyism = macartismo. [Período de la historia americana caracterizado por la persecución de personas con ideas comunistas o liberales. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: The author examines the dominance of liberal anticommunism in McCarthyism, when professed liberals 'abjectly betrayed their own principles'.» mechanicism = mecanicismo.
Example: Mechanicism has played a fundamental role in the historical development of biology = El mecanicismo ha desempeñado un papel fundamental en el desarrollo histórico de la biología.» mechanism = mecanismo, método, instrumento.
Example: This helps to illustrate the methods of analysis employed by the scheme and to introduce the mechanisms of its use.» Mendelism = doctrina de Mendel, mendelismo.
Example: The geneticist and arch-rival of the biometricians, Williams Bateson, was very critical of this work and interpreted this as Weldon's rejection of Mendelism.» Menshevism = menchevismo, mencheviquismo.
Example: Bolshevism and Menshevism were the two main branches of Russian socialism from 1903 until the consolidation of the Bolshevik dictatorship under Lenin in the civil war of 1918-20.» mentalism = mentalismo.
Example: The article is entitled 'Rules of indexing: a critique of mentalism in information retrieval theory'.» mercantilism = mercantilismo.
Example: This is simply a commentary on the rampant mercantilism of our consumer culture.» mesmerism = mesmerismo. [Doctrina precursora del hipnotismo. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: Earlier collections deal with witchcraft while more recently subjects of hysteria, phrenology, mesmerism and hypnosis, spiritualism, alcoholism and drug abuse have been included.» metabolism = metabolismo.
Example: Smith's Disease affects liver metabolism for minerals.» metamorphism = metamorfismo.
Example: This study investigates variation in clay mineralogy and its relation to hydrothermal metamorphism and topography.» microorganism = microorganismo.
Example: This article outlines safety regulations involved when handling microorganism cultures.» minimalism = minimalismo.
Example: This article examines existing philosophies including 'the grand tradition', minimalism, neo-liberalism and community development = Este artículo analiza las filosofías existentes incluidas "la gran tradición", el minimalismo, el neoliberalismo y el desarrollo de la comunidad.» modernism = modernismo.
Example: The author argues that in its willingness to televise masses the Church is falling into a dangerous trap of modernism.» monasticism = monacato.
Example: In ancient Rome the vestal virgins were celibates, and successful monasticism has everywhere been accompanied by celibacy as an ideal.» monetarism = monetarismo.
Example: Monetarism and neoliberalism confidently strut side-by-side through the schools of modern economic thought.» monolithicism = inflexibilidad.
Example: Multiculturalism is taken as being synonymous with cultural diversity and denotes the recent critical concepts that are counterpoised to ethnocentrism, cultural monolithicism, and the assumption of epistemological universality.» monotheism = monoteísmo.
Example: Monotheism is usually contrasted with polytheism, which is the belief in many gods, and atheism, which is the absence of any belief in gods.» multi-culturalism [multiculturalism] = multiculturalismo, multiculturalidad.
Example: Multiculturalism is taken as being synonymous with cultural diversity and denotes the recent critical concepts that are counterpoised to ethnocentrism, cultural monolithicism, and the assumption of epistemological universality.» multiculturism = multiculturalismo, multiculturalidad.
Example: After discussing the meaning of multiculturism, the author describes ways of promoting the use of the library by people who have no tradition of a free library service.» mutualism = mutualismo.
Example: Mutualism is any relationship between two species of organisms that benefits both species.» mysticism = misticismo.
Example: This is a publisher of titles focusing on spiritual life including religions, mysticism and esoterica.» narcissism = narcisismo.
Example: The title of the article is 'On egotism, amateurism, masochism, narcissism, sadism, masturbation and flagellation in African bibliography'.» nationalism = nacionalismo.
Example: The rise of nationalism in music had little impact on Australia = El surgimiento del nacionalismo en la música tuvo poco impacto en Australia.» nativism = nativismo, xenofobia. [Actitud superior de los ciudadanos nativos de un país sobre los inmigrantes. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]
Example: This article highlights the root causes of nativism against both immigrants and U.S. immigration policy arising from increasing legal and illegal immigration.» naturalism = naturalismo.
Example: The six sets are labelled: dogma, naturalism, cultural relativity, constructivism, postmodernism, and communitarianism.» Nazism = nazismo.
Example: University lecturers had to give public lectures on