Iron in spanish
pronunciation: plɑntʃɑɹ̩ part of speech: noun

iron1 = hierro.
Example: Take, for instance, the title like subject statement 'Determination of magnesium, calcium, strontium and barium in the presence of iron and chromium'.more:
» cast-iron = hierro fundido. [Nombre y adjetivo]
Example: In 1800, however, Earl Stanhope built a hand press with a full-sized platen in a cast-iron frame, and the problem was solved.» hot iron = hierro caliente.
Example: Some men, by continual sinning, sear even the conscience as with a hot iron, so that it becomes dead and past feeling.» iron and steel = siderúrgico, siderometalúrgico.
Example: Black smoke and ear-splitting noise are typical features of an iron and steel complex.» iron and steel works = fundición siderúrgica.
Example: However the closing of the iron and steel works in the second half of the twentieth-century has seen the town become dangerously reliant on the single industry of submarine building.» iron will = voluntad de hierro, voluntad férrea.
Example: But he was soon assassinated in mysterious circumstances, and his second wife, Queen Zenobia, a woman renowned for her iron will, took power.» ironwork = objeto de hierro, herrajes.
Example: In the past, the local smith would do a bit of everything involving ironwork, including shoeing horses and even draught oxen.» leg-irons = grilletes.
Example: He immerses us in 'language that is unique for its copiousness,' now speaking 'of exquisite intimations that can occur only in a half-light,' then babbling 'of chamber-pots, leg-irons, factories and policemen'.» pig iron = hierro bruto, hierro en bruto, arrabio.
Example: Iron ore is the raw material used to make pig iron, which is one of the main raw materials to make steel.» sheet iron = chapa de metal.
Example: Urban dwelling types are appearing in the rural environment; wood is replaced by brick and cement and thatch and shingle roofs are replaced by sheet iron.» soldering iron = soldador.
Example: You may never need the soldering iron, but if it comes to the crunch and you suddenly find you need one, you'll be glad it's there.» strike while + the iron is hot = aprovechar la oportunidad, la ocasión la pintan calva, coger la ocasión por los pelos.
Example: If you fail to strike while the iron is hot, there's a good chance you'll lose your momentum.» will of iron = voluntad de hierro, voluntad férrea.
Example: Yet this 35-year-old's fragile, feminine demeanour conceals nerves of steel and a will of iron.iron2 = plancha.
Example: She was arrested and charged with burning her 11-year-old daughter with an iron.more:
» flat-iron = plancha, plancha de la ropa.
Example: As with all electrical devices, be cautious when using blow-dryers and flat-irons around water and/or children.» steam iron = plancha de vapor.
Example: Use spray starch and iron with a steam iron at a medium to hot setting.» waffle iron = molde para hacer gofres, plancha para hacer gofres.
Example: Whisk ingredients together, pour into oiled waffle iron, and cook on medium heat until steam starts coming out of the sides.iron3 = de hierro, ferroso, de metal, férreo.
Example: The casting-box for flong moulds was a flat iron case like a portfolio with one hinged lid.more:
» break + Posesivo + iron will = doblegar + Posesivo + férrea voluntad.
Example: The bishop strove to break her iron will with all manner of brutality, and, failing in this, he starved her to death.» hold + an iron grip on = mantener un control férreo sobre.
Example: They relate the closure of library schools to the iron grip on library education held by the American Library Association.» Iron Age, the = edad de hierro, la.
Example: The author concludes that 1999 corresponds to the Iron Age and looks ahead to what may be in store in future ages.» iron bars = reja.
Example: The author discusses library security in the 1980s which include guidelines for dealing with disturbed people and fortifications such as iron bars, guard dogs and a detection system.» ironclad [iron-clad] = invariable, inflexible, rígido, absoluto, que se puede aplicar a rajatabla.
Example: A review of the research shows that there are no clear and ironclad answers.» ironclad [iron-clad] = acorazado, blindado.
Example: He also highlights some of the naval innovations of the war, including submarines, ironclad vessels, and new types of mines.» Iron Cross, the = Cruz de Hierro, la.
Example: During the next six years, the Iron Cross was awarded to Germans and their allies not only for personal bravery, but also for outstanding military achievements.» iron curtain, the = cortina de hierro, la; telón de acero, el.
Example: The article 'Online behind the iron curtain' summarises the state of data base access in the socialist countries.» iron fist = puño de hierro, mano de hierro, mano dura.
Example: Each day brings new evidence of the iron-fist brutality that is stalking the country in the aftermath of the presidential election.» iron-fisted grip = control férreo.
Example: This is a potent means with which to sensitize students to the seductive, yet iron-fisted grip of the mass media.» iron gall ink = tinta ferrogálica. [Tinta utilizada antiguamente que a menudo emana ácido que ataca al papel]
Example: This article describes research conducted since 1993 into the development of a conservation treatment for iron gall ink corrosion and the degradation of paper objects by iron gall inks.» iron grip = control férreo.
Example: The author relates these problems and the closure of library schools to the iron grip on library education held by the Committee on Accreditation (COA) of the American Library Association (ALA).» iron hand = puño de hierro, mano de hierro, mano dura.
Example: The government will crush foreign elements trying to disrupt peace in the country with an iron hand.» iron ochre = ocre ferroso.
Example: We must act quickly when problems are already present and before the iron ochre has managed to clog your drain.» iron ore = mineral de hierro.
Example: Iron ore is the raw material used to make pig iron, which is one of the main raw materials to make steel.» iron ore mining = minería de hierro.
Example: Iron ore mining is destroying the environment, say activists and locals.» iron oxide = óxido de hierro.
Example: As other studies show, this is likely to be the iron oxide and hydroxide content.» iron press = prensa de metal. [En imprenta, nombre dado a la nueva imprenta que aparece hecha de hierro y que sustituye a la original de madera]
Example: What was new about the iron presses was their capacity for printing large formes with great delicacy.iron4 = planchar.
Example: The housewife cleaning her house, shopping, cooking meals, rearing her children and washing and ironing is undoubtedly working just as much as is her husband on the car assembly line or in the insurance office.more:
» iron + a shirt = planchar una camisa.
Example: The fact is a lot of grown men don't know how to iron a shirt.» iron out + a problem = resolver un problema.
Example: She is quick to get hot under the collar, but once the problem is ironed out she forgets it entirely.» iron out + the bugs = limar asperezas, resolver los problemas.
Example: An interesting compromise is to use a Uniterm system to start with, transferring to peek-a-boo when, using an inelegant but expressive phrase, the 'bugs' have been ironed out.» iron out + the differences = saldar las diferencias, resolver las diferencias, limar las diferencias, eliminar las diferencias.
Example: But these studies tend to be nationally based, and this approach has a number of inherent failings, most notably the ironing out of regional differences.