Inhumane in spanish


pronunciation: inumɑnoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

inhumane = inhumano. 

Example: This is part of the present government's inhumane and antisocial programme to diminish the value of people at work.


» inhumane conditions = condiciones inhumanas.

Example: When you go there and see people sleeping in cots in the hallway, it is clear that these are inhumane conditions.

Inhumane synonyms

cold in spanish: frío, pronunciation: koʊld part of speech: adjective, noun savage in spanish: salvaje, pronunciation: sævədʒ part of speech: adjective, noun vicious in spanish: vicioso, pronunciation: vɪʃəs part of speech: adjective fell in spanish: cayó, pronunciation: fel part of speech: verb cruel in spanish: cruel, pronunciation: kruəl part of speech: adjective brutal in spanish: brutal, pronunciation: brutəl part of speech: adjective roughshod in spanish: áspero, pronunciation: rʌfʃɑd part of speech: adjective inhuman in spanish: inhumano, pronunciation: ɪnhjumən part of speech: adjective bestial in spanish: bestial, pronunciation: bestʃəl part of speech: adjective insensate in spanish: insensato, pronunciation: ɪnsənseɪt part of speech: adjective barbarous in spanish: bárbaro, pronunciation: bɑrbɜrəs part of speech: adjective unkind in spanish: cruel, pronunciation: ənkaɪnd part of speech: adjective cold-blooded in spanish: sangre fría, pronunciation: koʊldblʌdəd part of speech: adjective beastly in spanish: bestial, pronunciation: bistli part of speech: adjective, adverb brutish in spanish: brutal, pronunciation: brutɪʃ part of speech: adjective pitiless in spanish: despiadado, pronunciation: pɪtiləs part of speech: adjective cannibalic in spanish: caníbal, pronunciation: kænəbəlɪk part of speech: adjective

Inhumane antonyms

humane pronunciation: hjumeɪn part of speech: adjective
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