Imbalance in spanish


pronunciation: desekilibɹ̩ioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

imbalance = desequilibrio, desajuste, desigualdad. 

Example: This results in an imbalance of error tolerance.


» hormone imbalance = desequilibrio hormonal.

Example: He has a hormone imbalance that has caused his dramatic weight loss.

» redress + imbalance = equilibrar la balanza, rectificar la descompensación, rectificar la diferencia.

Example: Some programmes in this category are attempting to redress a serious imbalance.

Imbalance synonyms

asymmetry in spanish: asimetría, pronunciation: eɪsɪmətri part of speech: noun instability in spanish: inestabilidad, pronunciation: ɪnstəbɪlɪti part of speech: noun unbalance in spanish: desequilibrar, pronunciation: ənbæləns part of speech: noun, verb

Imbalance antonyms

balance pronunciation: bæləns part of speech: noun correspondence pronunciation: kɔrəspɑndəns part of speech: noun symmetry pronunciation: sɪmətri part of speech: noun symmetricalness pronunciation: sɪmetrɪkəlnəs part of speech: noun
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