Idly in spanish


pronunciation: oʊθioʊsɑmente part of speech: adverb
In gestures

idly = sin nada que hacer, sin hacer nada, mano sobre mano, ociosamente, con las manos cruzadas, de brazos cruzados. 

Example: Instead of going to his desk, he proceeded to the window and lingered there idly watching the rain spatter on the pavement outside.


» sit + idly = sentarse de brazos cruzados, estar de brazos cruzados, sentarse sin hacer nada, perder el tiempo, estar sin hacer nada, estar mano sobre mano.

Example: The police and the University rector cannot be blamed for following the law but the government should not sit idly and should work quickly to revamp the laws.

» stand + idly by = permanecer impasible, cruzarse de brazos, permanecer de brazos cruzados, quedarse de brazos cruzados, quedarse sin hacer nada, permanecer sin hacer nada, mantenerse al margen.

Example: Do not stand idly by while your neighbor's blood is shed.

Idly synonyms

lazily in spanish: perezosamente, pronunciation: læzəli part of speech: adverb
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