Idiot in spanish


pronunciation: idioʊtɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

idiot = idiota, novato, panoli. [Escrito eejit en el lenguaje coloquial]

Example: Dykstra, M., 'PRECIS: a primer', published in 1985, offers the long-awaited 'idiot's guide' to PRECIS indexing.


» blithering idiot = imbécil de remate, imbécil de capirote, imbécil de atar, idiota de remate, idiota de capirote, idiota de atar.

Example: To be uncharacteristically succinct, he is a blithering idiot: I mean, really stupid.

» idiot savant = savant, idiota genio, tonto genio. [Persona retrasada mental pero con ciertas habilidades cognitivas superdesarrolladas]

Example: Since it was first described a century ago, the phenomenon of the idiot savant -- the juxtaposition of severe mental handicap & prodigious mental ability -- has remained unexplained.

» prize idiot = tonto del culo, tonto de capirote, tonto de remate, tonto de marca mayor.

Example: Everyone has natural apprehension about doing something new since you' re never sure if you're going to end up looking a prize idiot.

Idiot synonyms

moron in spanish: idiota, pronunciation: mɔrɑn part of speech: noun imbecile in spanish: imbécil, pronunciation: ɪmbəsəl part of speech: adjective, noun cretin in spanish: cretino, pronunciation: kritən part of speech: noun retard in spanish: retardar, pronunciation: rɪtɑrd part of speech: verb changeling in spanish: cambiando, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒəlɪŋ part of speech: noun half-wit in spanish: bobo, pronunciation: hælfwɪt part of speech: noun
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