Hygiene in spanish


pronunciation: ixiene part of speech: noun
In gestures

hygiene = higiene. 

Example: For example, space medicine certainly requires a knowledge of medicine, but in addition involves problems related to space physics, mechanics (the phenomenon of weightlessness), diet, hygiene, the list is formidable.


» dental hygiene = higiene dental.

Example: To prevent gingivitis, follow a good dental hygiene program as suggested above.

» hygiene product = producto higiénico, producto para la higiene.

Example: This is a selection of US museums dedicated to some rather unusual and extraordinary subjects and exhibits, including beverage cans, sugar packets, band aids, hygiene products, road asphalt and navel fluff.

» mental hygiene = higiene mental.

Example: Beyond eating nutritious foods, regular attention to good mental hygiene is one of the essential building blocks of a healthy, balanced life.

» oral hygiene = higiene oral, higiene bucal.

Example: The purpose of oral hygiene is to prevent the build-up of plaque, the sticky film of bacteria and food that forms on the teeth.

» personal hygiene = higiene personal.

Example: Reducing the high mortality rate, promoting population growth, health, personal hygiene, & nutrition were among the general concerns.

» sleep hygiene = hábitos del sueño.

Example: Many regretful traffic accidents are related either directly or indirectly to sleep bad and a bad sleep hygiene = Muchos lamentables accidentes de tráfico se deben directa o indirectamente a dormir mal y a los malos hábitos del sueño.

Hygiene synonyms

hygienics in spanish: higienica, pronunciation: haɪginɪks part of speech: noun
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