Hydrotherapy in spanish


pronunciation: idɹ̩oʊteɹ̩ɑpiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

hydrotherapy = hidroterapia. 

Example: Hydrotherapy is a highly effective form of natural therapy which works by stimulating the endorphins which in turn helps you to control pain and alleviate tension.


» colon hydrotherapy = hidroterapia de colon.

Example: A second method is called colonic irrigation or colon hydrotherapy, in which a practitioner flushes out the colon by sending gallons of water into the body through a tube inserted into a person's rectum.

» colonic hydrotherapy = hidroterapia de colon.

Example: Colonic irrigation is back with a brand new image -- but experts say 'colonic hydrotherapy' is not worth it and could do more harm than good.

Hydrotherapy synonyms

hydropathy in spanish: hidropatía, pronunciation: haɪdrəpæθi part of speech: noun
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