Hydroelectric in spanish


pronunciation: idɹ̩oʊelektɹ̩ikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

hydroelectric [hydro-electric] = hidroeléctrico. 

Example: Nepal's hydroelectric plans that may wipe out its best whitewater rivers and hence its rafting industry.


» hydro(electric) bill = factura de la luz, factura de la electricidad, recibo de la luz, recibo de la electricidad.

Example: Thanks to this clawback, they will be left with only $165 per month to buy food and clothing, pay their hydro bill and all the other monthly costs for their family.

» hydroelectric plant = central hidroeléctrica.

Example: The project included the construction of two dams and hydroelectric plants.

» hydroelectric power = energía hidroeléctrica.

Example: Projects eligible for support in alternative energy sources are geothermal energy, solar energy, biomass, wind and ocean energy and hydro-electric power.

» hydroelectric power station = central hidroeléctrica.

Example: A new hydroelectric power station promises reliable electricity, permitting the installation of air conditioning and the use of electronic media in the library.
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