Hushed in spanish


pronunciation: kɑjɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

hush2 = acallar, hacer callar, mandar callar. 

Example: The paintings depict subjects such as terrorists and mothers hushing children.

hushed = silencioso, en silencio. 

Example: No echo of so frightening a concept, 'class', ever lingers within the hushed precincts of our libraries.

Hushed synonyms

quiet in spanish: tranquilo, pronunciation: kwaɪət part of speech: adjective soft in spanish: suave, pronunciation: sɑft part of speech: adjective subdued in spanish: suave, pronunciation: səbdud part of speech: adjective muted in spanish: apagado, pronunciation: mjutɪd part of speech: adjective
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