Hush in spanish


pronunciation: silenθioʊ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

hush1 = silencio. 

Example: The cathedral-like hush contrasted strangely with the clamor and movement outside.


» break + the hush = romper el silencio.

Example: Finally, Marsha James broke the hush.

» deathly hush = silencio sepulcral.

Example: A deathly hush fell upon the deserted ravine as the snow lay ever more thickly, completely covering all low growing plants.

» hush-hush = secreto, confidencial.

Example: Several hundred women die every year in the United States from hospital-acquired infections, but it's so hush-hush here that we rarely hear about them.

» hush money = dinero de soborno.

Example: He was accused of paying hush money to a former mistress.

» keep + hush hush = mantener en secreto, guardar en secreto.

Example: There is a back door to Yahoo that has been kept hush hush until recently.

hush2 = acallar, hacer callar, mandar callar. 

Example: The paintings depict subjects such as terrorists and mothers hushing children.

Hush synonyms

still in spanish: todavía, pronunciation: stɪl part of speech: adverb quiet in spanish: tranquilo, pronunciation: kwaɪət part of speech: adjective silence in spanish: silencio, pronunciation: saɪləns part of speech: noun quiesce in spanish: quietud, pronunciation: kwis part of speech: verb stillness in spanish: quietud, pronunciation: stɪlnəs part of speech: noun shut up in spanish: Cállate, pronunciation: ʃʌtʌp part of speech: verb quieten in spanish: calmar, pronunciation: kwitən part of speech: verb pipe down in spanish: callarse, pronunciation: paɪpdaʊn part of speech: verb hush up in spanish: encubrir, pronunciation: hʌʃʌp part of speech: verb quiet down in spanish: tranquilizarse, pronunciation: kwaɪətdaʊn part of speech: verb
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