Hurry in spanish


pronunciation: pɹ̩isɑ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures



» be in a hurry = tener prisa, tener bulla.

Example: Librarians too easily forget that many readers are in a hurry, and hardly any are under no time constraint at all.

» be in too much of a hurry = tener demasiada prisa.

Example: When buying a home anywhere, it isn't wise to be in too much of a hurry - and Italy is no exception.

» hurry up = acelerado, apresurado.

Example: A library, even a small one in a home or a public place takes us out of our noisy, hurry up, present-minded lives and into what Keats called the world of 'silence and slow time'.

» in a hurry = con prisa, deprisa, deprisa y corriendo, de bulla y corriendo, urgentemente, apresuradamente, apresurado, apresurado por, en volandas, a matacaballo, atropelladamente, a marchas forzadas.

Example: Unfortunately, the basic problem was to get the file cleaned up in a hurry, and nobody was particularly concerned with research.

» in such a hurry = con tanta prisa, tan urgentemente, con tanta urgencia.

Example: Vicka was in such a hurry to catch her friends that she went out wearing house slippers.

» there + be + no hurry = no haber prisa, no correr prisa.

Example: There's no hurry, obviously, on the bookmobile question, but keep it in mind.

hurry2 = darse prisa, apresurarse. 

Example: By systematic, step-by-step consideration free from the pressure to hurry to the next waiting individual, the number of false assumptions can be minimized.


» hurry along = darse prisa, apresurarse.

Example: As she hurried along, it seemed as if everyone was staring at her.

» hurry away = alejarse deprisa.

Example: Datto rose, bid her good-bye, and hurried away.

» hurry in = entrar apresuradamente.

Example: As Ruttenberg hurried in she said 'Hi, sorry to keep you waiting'.

» hurry + Nombre + along = dar prisa, apresurar, meter prisa, meter bulla, dar caña.

Example: We were both running behind schedule, and it was my job to hurry her along.

» hurry + Nombre + up = dar prisa, apresurar, meter prisa, meter bulla, dar caña.

Example: We were racing against the clock, and I was hurrying her up the stairs to reach the roof of the high rise.

» hurry off = alejarse deprisa.

Example: He picked up his briefcase, returned the papers, and hurried off.

» hurry up = darse prisa, apresurarse.

Example: Hurry Up! Last Chance for the Professionals!.

Hurry synonyms

speed in spanish: velocidad, pronunciation: spid part of speech: noun rush in spanish: prisa, pronunciation: rʌʃ part of speech: noun, verb haste in spanish: prisa, pronunciation: heɪst part of speech: noun zip in spanish: cremallera, pronunciation: zɪp part of speech: noun hasten in spanish: acelerar, pronunciation: heɪsən part of speech: verb rushing in spanish: corriendo, pronunciation: rʌʃɪŋ part of speech: noun hastiness in spanish: apresuramiento, pronunciation: hæstinəs part of speech: noun hurriedness in spanish: apresuramiento, pronunciation: hɜrədnəs part of speech: noun look sharp in spanish: mirada aguda, pronunciation: lʊkʃɑrp part of speech: verb travel rapidly in spanish: viaja rapido, pronunciation: trævəlræpədli part of speech: verb

Hurry antonyms

delay pronunciation: dɪleɪ part of speech: noun, verb detain pronunciation: dɪteɪn part of speech: verb hold up pronunciation: hoʊldʌp part of speech: verb
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