Hurriedly in spanish


pronunciation: ɑpɹ̩esuɹ̩ɑdɑmente part of speech: adverb
In gestures

hurriedly = apresuradamente, precipitadamente, a mata caballo, a prisa. 

Example: And he added hurriedly: 'I felt I could work with her though'.


» unhurriedly = sin prisa(s), pausadamente, tranquilamente, relajadamente.

Example: Few pleasures for the true reader rival the pleasure of browsing unhurriedly among books.

Hurriedly synonyms

hastily in spanish: precipitadamente, pronunciation: heɪstəli part of speech: adverb in haste in spanish: en apuro, pronunciation: ɪnheɪst part of speech: adverb

Hurriedly antonyms

crossing pronunciation: krɔsɪŋ part of speech: noun unhurriedly pronunciation: ənhɜriedli part of speech: adverb
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