Hurried in spanish


pronunciation: ɑpɹ̩esuɹ̩ɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

hurried = precipitado, a mata caballo. 

Example: Capital funding usually took the form of end-of-year 'windfalls' needing to be spent in hectic haste necessitating hurried decision making.


» hurried work = trabajo urgente.

Example: MacKeller mentions the companionship system in connection with hurried work, but there is evidence that it was also used for ordinary work by the middle of the century.

» too hurried = demasiado precipitado.

Example: But compared to his trilogy, this book looks too hurried and thrown together.

» unhurried = calmado, pausado.

Example: While this city does have some light industry of its own - mostly metal, lumber, and paper products - its unhurried atmosphere and quiet shady streets camouflage all signs of mercantile activity.

hurry2 = darse prisa, apresurarse. 

Example: By systematic, step-by-step consideration free from the pressure to hurry to the next waiting individual, the number of false assumptions can be minimized.


» hurry along = darse prisa, apresurarse.

Example: As she hurried along, it seemed as if everyone was staring at her.

» hurry away = alejarse deprisa.

Example: Datto rose, bid her good-bye, and hurried away.

» hurry in = entrar apresuradamente.

Example: As Ruttenberg hurried in she said 'Hi, sorry to keep you waiting'.

» hurry + Nombre + along = dar prisa, apresurar, meter prisa, meter bulla, dar caña.

Example: We were both running behind schedule, and it was my job to hurry her along.

» hurry + Nombre + up = dar prisa, apresurar, meter prisa, meter bulla, dar caña.

Example: We were racing against the clock, and I was hurrying her up the stairs to reach the roof of the high rise.

» hurry off = alejarse deprisa.

Example: He picked up his briefcase, returned the papers, and hurried off.

» hurry up = darse prisa, apresurarse.

Example: Hurry Up! Last Chance for the Professionals!.

Hurried synonyms

fast in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: fæst part of speech: adverb, adjective, noun precipitate in spanish: precipitado, pronunciation: prɪsɪpɪteɪt part of speech: noun, verb, adjective quick in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: kwɪk part of speech: adjective hasty in spanish: apresurado, pronunciation: heɪsti part of speech: adjective flying in spanish: volador, pronunciation: flaɪɪŋ part of speech: noun headlong in spanish: de cabeza, pronunciation: hedlɔŋ part of speech: adjective helter-skelter in spanish: helter-skelter, pronunciation: heltɜrskeltɜr part of speech: adjective, adverb pell-mell in spanish: desordenado, pronunciation: pelmel part of speech: adjective, adverb precipitant in spanish: precipitante, pronunciation: prɪsɪpətənt part of speech: noun rushed in spanish: apresuraron, pronunciation: rʌʃt part of speech: adjective overhasty in spanish: sobrecargado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrheɪsti part of speech: adjective

Hurried antonyms

unhurried pronunciation: ənhɜrid part of speech: adjective
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