Hurricane in spanish


pronunciation: uɹ̩ɑkɑn part of speech: noun
In gestures

hurricane = huracán. 

Example: In UDC under 361 SOCIAL RELIEF we find .9 Relief or aid in emergencies, disasters; .91 Earthquakes, storms, hurricanes; .92 Floods; .93 War, civil war; .94 Epidemics; .95 Famine; and .96 Fires, conflagrations.


» eye of the hurricane, the = ojo del huracán, el.

Example: The first is the eye of the hurricane, which is a calm area in the center of the storm, usually measuring about 20 miles in diameter.

» hurricane-force wind = viento huracanado.

Example: High-rise buildings are also vulnerable to hurricane-force winds, particularly at the higher levels since wind speed tends to increase with height.

» hurricane-ravaged = destrozado por un huracán.

Example: More than 900 volunteers are working together to bring some hope to the hurricane-ravaged city of New Orleans.

» hurricane wind = viento huracanado.

Example: Scotland is currently facing hurricane winds, similar to the winds we recently felt in the Los Angeles area.

» in the eye of the hurricane = en el ojo del huracán.

Example: Are we in the eye of the hurricane or is it Indian Summer for the stock market?.
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